Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Thanks for the fun, August!



  1. NYT: U.S. Life Expectancy Falls Again in ‘Historic’ Setback [Click] “The decline during the pandemic is the sharpest in nearly 100 years” Considerably worse than I had realized.

    Headlines from [Click]

    Trump stories
    Trump Responds to Last Night’s Court Filing [and makes more trouble for himself]

    Trump’s Attorneys Need to Lawyer Up

    Donald Trump Has Really Bad Lawyers

    Affidavit: Trump Likely Tried to Hide Classified Documents

    FBI Agents Needed Special Clearance to Get Documents

    Ranked-Choice to Be Put Before Nevada Voters

    Various other political stories not directly related to Trump

    West Point Has KKK Plaque Mounted Above Building Entrance

    1. I am suspicious of Lindsey Graham. His overt antagonism towards Trump converting to adulation suggest a level of stupidity beyond reason.
      Were Manafort and Kilimnik, his buddies in the IRI, just conduits to the oligarchs or organizing "deals"?
      Flynn just escaped being identified as a spy.
      Spies are taught to engage in the "limited hangout."
      Is that what we are seeing in Graham's verbal support of Trump that was designed to draw off some heat?
      I suspect that what is being revealed is designed to let nefarious interests know somebody's got their number.

    2. His big shift in favour of DT makes me think that DT has some dirt on him. Actually, I imagine that’s DT’s m.o. in general… get dirt on your friends so they can’t turn enemy.

    3. ^{listener}

    4. listener--isn't it strange how great minds think the same way?

  2. Replies
    1. The police have been taught that they can exact ccmpliance and a lack of same constitutes "obstruction of an officer in the performance of his duty" which is a crminal offense.
      To a certain extent, this authoritarian attitude was promoted by the fact that licensed motor vehicle operators agree when accepting a lcense to be stopped/arrested any time an officer has probable cause.
      In this instance, the officer was responding to a complaint and the pastor gave him an opportunity to back off.
      We were arrested in our front yard on a bogus charge and our mistake after getting off was not to sue for false arrest. I think what put me off was the lawyer we hired telling me he had never had an innocent client before. So, for the next decade, I became a regular court watcher and that's how I got recruited into the juvenile court system and discovered how children are routinely disappeared in secret.

    2. Good for him for filing for unlawful arrest! He has the advantage of being a public figure of good reputation.

  3. (Susan) Gas prices are climbing again in my area of SW Ohio. When I left the house yesterday morning gas was $3.47, on my return home in the afternoon it was $3.69.

    1. It is my understanding that the prices are not so high because of supply and demand imbalance, but because of rampant speculation in the futures market and profiteering by the oil companies.

    2. Wow! Up here it’s still above $4.00…$4.69 last time I gassed up.

    3. Anony Mouse = {listener}

    4. Currently $4.55 here in Fresno, but California gas prices run higher tha most of the country. Our gasoline is slightly different, and we are not connected to the main pipelines--transportation costs are higher.

    5. Yup! It's gone up here too, Susan. Regular is $4.09. My Mini uses Premium which today was $5.09/gal.

  4. Robert Reich: Maybe US mainstream media should begin using the term ‘fascism’ [Click] They have a long way to go; first they should stop calling various right-wing whackadoodles “conservative.” Anarchism is another term they should learn to use again.

    1. Factions is how the founders referred to what we now call "parties," entities that have no official rle in our public decision making, except for the powers assigned to them by the legislative bodies, which were relied on to organize themselves.
      But the binary system is not entirely their invention. The press, another unofficial entity has a vested interest in conflict and goes out of its way to create it.
      Public officials who refuse a partisan designation get dissed.

    2. Well said, Alan.
      I am appreciating President Biden speaking out lately!

    3. ^{listener}

  5. ‘He looked ridiculous – and couldn’t style it out’: photographers pick their best Boris Johnson shot [Click] My favorites of the lot are (1) the zip line shot by Kois Miah and (2) the Parliamentary hearing shot (chin in hand) by Dan Kitwood.

  6. Tomorrow the farmer will deliver our grapes for making raisins; price 20% less this year than last year. Very convenient that we don't have to go to the farmers market to pick them up.
    (Anonymous Alan)

    1. I got the raisin drying tables set up and covered with heavy paper, ready for the morrow. This year we sure won't have to wonder whether the weather will be good for drying raisins!

  7. Democrat Wins Alaska House Seat [Click] Her predecessor was Don Young, at 49 years the longest serving Republican member of the House ever. “Peltola had 39.7% of the first-choice votes to Palin’s 30.9%. In the instant runoff, Peltola ended up with 91,206 votes to Palin’s 85,987, or 51.47% to 48.53%. A small number of additional ballots have not yet been counted by election officials, likely not enough to change results.”

    1. In other Alaska news: Wasilla motorcyclist killed in pursuit-related collision with moose at over 100 mph, police say.

    2. I was so very glad to hear Palin lost and a Dem is in.

      Very sad for that moose.

    3. I should not be surprised if the motorcyclist were drunk. I remember a case near where we lived when I was young in which a fellow driving an Austin Healy Sprite (a tiny sports car) ran into a horse on the highway one night, killing them both. And I remember a story in the Fairbanks newspaper when I was up there one year, of an inattentive moose walking off a cliff and falling right on top of a car passing by.

    4. And I am also pleased that the AK Representative will be a Democrat; being a woman and a Native American are frosting on the cake.

  8. Lawfare: A Justice Department Show of Force Against Trump [Click] “Its factual summary . . . is a rip-roaringly great read.” I’m always up for a rip-roaringly great read!

    1. Yes, a very good read indeed. And it sets forward in more detail that members of Trump's staff (including lawyers) may well be presented with a choice between becoming witnesses against him or having an extended stay at the stony lonesome.

  9. Vermont has a new voting system! For the November ballot, all registered voters will be mailed a ballot. You either mail it back, bring it to your Town Clerk's office, or bring it with you to the polls on Election Day. I love this!! And, of course, anyone can still register ON Election Day to be able to vote that day. Vermont wants to make voting as easy as possible. I love Vermont!!

    1. I don't recall if Californians can register on Election Day, but otherwise it's the same here; easy-peasy.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Must register 15 days before the Election in California. And in order to economize on voting precincts, our area has been mail only since some time before we moved here, about 26 years ago--so mail voting is same old-same old. Starting several years back we have been able to check and update our registrations online, and starting (I think) with the most recent election we have been able to track our ballots from the time they are mailed to us, to delivery in our mail box, to pick-up by the mail carrier, to delivery to the Clerk's office, to tabulation. That's pretty snazzy, I think.
