Friday, October 22, 2021

To the Beach!



  1. Notes on the last thread.

    A gentle night to all.

    Sweetnesses to you, puddle! ♥

    1. And, Catreona, if you're peeking in from time to time, wave hallo or something, so we know you're okay. Miss you, too.

  2. The Hidden Costs of Living Alone [Click] Extraordinary statistic:

    . . .American adults who aren’t married and don’t live with a romantic partner has. . .jumped from 29 percent in 1990 to 38 percent in 2019.

    1. I well remember how distressing it was to sit down in a "Chinese" restaurant with a good reputation only to discover that there was NOTHING on the menu for a single diner.

    2. Yes, in China the smallest unit is the extended family, not the individual. Wil noticed that when he had a boss who was from China. She was always sending money home and would sometimes chastise a coworker who may have mentioned how his extended family was always wanting more. It may be part of how folks there can live in such close quarters. I hadn't thought of the restaurant version!

  3. NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Aaarrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

    Justice Clarence Thomas is ready to take over the Supreme Court

    1. Americans no longer have faith in the US supreme court. That has justices worried [Click] “The justices are vulnerable to public pressure in support of court reform. That’s why we must continue to push for change”

  4. Note for Susan:

    Susan, try to copy something else to see if it will override the previous copy function.

  5. More for Susan:

    Can you post what you copied into a Word document, then delete it?

    Did you try rebooting your computer?

  6. Replies
    1. Sooo glad!!!

      Root*Center*Son was here and made the suggestions.

      (Of course, when all else fails, reboot.)

  7. re that bit about Black candidates raising money: Remember Chris Jones? Running for Governor of Arkansas? Just got an email that he has raised $1 million. That's presumably in addition to donations to "Defeat Sarah." (I'm donating $5/month.)
