Thursday, August 12, 2021

Oddly Comforting...



  1. VERMONT 11 AUG 2021
    25,757-25,663= 94 by the math. 85 officially.
    Deaths still 263
    1129 active cases (+)
    23 (-1) hospitalised; 7(-2) in ICU
    1534 Tested
    19 more Recovered
    Positivity rate up to 3.2% (Sigh)

  2. ‘Everybody I Know Is Pissed Off’ [Click] The anti-antivaxxers are getting more anti, per multiple surveys.

  3. Replies
    1. That’s quite a story about Cobb County schools!!

  4. How the Pandemic Now Ends. [Click] “Cases of COVID-19 are rising fast. Vaccine uptake has plateaued. The pandemic will be over one day—but the way there is different now.”

  5. Pausing Guernsey at 40, changed DVD player to the Region one one, and have begun The Good Wife. 45 min TV series paces very differently from 2 hour movies, but I'm adapting. A very very good show. Liking it a whole lot. Haven't finished year one. Six more to go. The packaging is phenomenally *B*A*D*, JEBUS.
