Friday, August 13, 2021

4 Monarchs fledged on Thursday!



  1. VERMONT 12 AUG 2021
    25,883-25,757= 126 by the math. 114 officially.
    Deaths 264 (+1)
    1496 active cases
    25 (+2) hospitalised; 8(+1) in ICU
    1169 Tested
    22 more Recovered
    Positivity rate up to 3.3% (Argh!)

  2. GOP Election Clerk Accused of Leaking System Passwords [Click] If true, it ought to take her a long time making license plates to work off the cost of replacement computers. And it is notable how quickly she was identified; she must have been clueless about the tracks she left in the computer records.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Vaccination Levels by County Over Time [Click] “The whole series of charts is telling, but the last one — the animated one that shows how the partisan divide is increasing over time — is startling. The vaccinated aren’t going to forget this.”

  5. Travels of woolly mammoth detailed. [Click] May reflect climate change and human predation, also group behavior.

  6. Arnold Schwarzenegger: Don’t Be a Schmuck. Put on a Mask. [Click] “Generations of Americans made incredible sacrifices, and we’re going to throw fits about putting a mask over our mouth and nose?”

  7. Mississippi Fair May Have Led to Covid Outbreak. [Click] That’s the Neshoba County Fair, for Heaven’t sake, not just any “community in east central Mississippi. “Philadelphia, Mississippi” ring any bells? Or chill any spines?

  8. Lol! Law firm in The Good Wife turns out to be Joe Trippi's lawyers.

  9. Here it comes. . .

    Earlier today we received an e-mail from our hospital (Kaiser) that no one would be allowed into the hospital without proof of vaccination.

    And here is the headline from the Fresno Bee:

    Fresno hospitals’ COVID patient surge at seven times level of just six weeks ago

    Total hospitalized = 265
    In ICU = 48
    ICU beds available = 15

    Ambulance services limited to true emergencies. Hundreds of hospital workers infected or exposed and therefore unavailable. Elective surgeries limited.
