Monday, March 15, 2021



This barn has been standing for all the
40 years that we have lived in Vermont. 
It's just down the road from us. 
We were sad to see that it has fallen down. 
Must be the recent windstorm finished it off.


  1. Gee--that looks kinda final. No animals (or people) inside when it collapsed, I hope.

    1. Come to think of it, you could probably get a photo of how it looked before it collapsed from Google Maps; the Google Camera Car had probably gone by.

    2. I must have a photo I took of it somewhere. Just don’t know when.
      It had long been unoccupied, set as it is in the crux of two roads.

    3. Route 15 and Weed Road. I think that's just inside the Essex VT line from Jericho.

    4. Pre-collapse photo coming to an e-mail box near you, listener.

    5. There used to also be a barn across Weed road from this one, in the narrow space between the roads. That one caved in a few years ago. Still, it's always sad to see a barn fail. They tells such stories.

  2. UPDATE~~Boy, you guys really have the ear of the universe!! Within the hour of my asking, your prayers, good wishes, hugs, light, and all the etcs began the magic, and every hour after that, further improvement. Finally, went up and got a good six hours of solid needed sleep, albeit, sitting on the side of the bed. Just now at a quarter after one in the morning, I am both pain free and drug free. I did NOT give myself frostbite from injudicious use of a cold pack (three hours). My brain is back. And I love ya'll madly, I does. Profound thanks for the stories as well as the rainbows, they help, and light new pathways to explore. Will be seeing my nurse practitioner on Weds when she brings the covid shot, so will pass a number of things by her during the wait period. ♥

    1. 🌈💛This is such sweet news!!

      I’m hoping your NP has something useful to add to your bag of tricks.

      We love you too, puddle. ✨💖✨

      🙏 Prayers still flying!

    2. So glad you're feeling better!

  3. It was mighty windy down here in Springfield last night, but I don't know of any buildings that got blown down.

  4. Replies
    1. The problem with bipartisanship is that two parties have to cooperate. "Cooperation" and "compromise" are not in the Republican vocabulary.

  5. Today's number of new Covid-19 cases in Illinois is below 1000 for the first time since mid-summer. Monday numbers (reflecting weekend tests) are always low, but this is a good sign.

  6. OHIO; COVID cases 990,340 and they're still not recording deaths.

    1. Q: When will Ohio’s COVID-19 death toll be updated?
      A: "ODH said Tuesday the state’s death toll will be updated twice weekly instead of daily, but the data will not be updated on specific days of the week."

  7. VTcases: 16,992-16,890 = 102
    2566 active cases
    214 deaths(0x2)
    Recovered 14,212 (83.6%)
    Hospital:29(-2) ICU:3(+2)
    Tests 342,686 (+620)
