Saturday, December 19, 2020




  1. I really wish It was already Wednesday.

    1. I keep looking at the calendar too, listener. But catching it in time was by far the most important thing.

    2. My once-upon-a-time friend (turned Trumper) walked around in agony for DAYS because her doctor diagnosed her with "ulcers". She did have a stint put in after her brick-headed husband took her to the ER. They threaded it up through her arm. She was fine afterwards. Still insisted on going to the same doctor because she could walk there from her home. I reminded her that SOME doctors graduated at the bottom of their class! Glad Wil's doctor wasn't one of those!

    3. We will see.
      He was told on Thursday that he will need a Covid test, and would be called with an appt. As no call came, on Friday he called the doc’s office to ask about it, and was told the hospital will call not the office. No call had come by this morning, so we researched and he called the hospital, but was told no order had come yet from his doctor for a Covid test. The office is closed for the weekend. The on call doctor said he would convey the concern to Wil’s doctor. So we wait now until we hear, or until Monday, and we hope a rapid test will suffice, or that the test may be waived.
      But it does not instill confidence.

  2. VTcases: 6343-6243=100
    Recovered 4062 (+90)
    Hospital:18(-9) ICU:4(-6)
    Tests 250,371 (+1385)

    1. +6 +94
      Positivity rate 2.3%
      Death rate 1.7%

  3. Brits Boozing Less in Lockdown [Click] “increased online and supermarket sales fail to offset pub revenue collapse” It’s an ill wind that blows no good.

  4. OHIO; COVID cases 614,429 and 8,031 deaths.

    1. It is always sad to see the number of deaths increase to a new thousand.


  5. Alan, I only just now saw your posts from the day before last, about Wil’s situation. Thank you.
    If no stent is needed, it’s outpatient. If a stent is needed, an overnight stay is required. We were told that an overnight stay is likely.
    The clogged artery considered most in question extends into the heart.

  6. Well, at least for now. Hope it lasts, took hours to accomplish. And I do mean hours.

    Alan, I only got about four inches of snow in that storm. That's enough.

    1. puddle, so sorry I never got here and remembered to tell Alan you got only 4 inches. Man am I distracted this week!

    2. How did you do it, puddle?! Did the kid help? Or your good IT guy from Staunton?

    3. Nope. No one seemed able. I was waiting for win10 And google emailed me today that someone had my password, so sign in and change it. So I did. Except for the fact that google pages were taking a half hour to load, it mostly worked. As soon's got on, they sent me an email telling me that a new device had accessed my account and they were gonna do me again if I didn't get there and okay it. So I did. same problem, long long load times. and ta da! Waiting to see what other chit they have up their sleeve.
