Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Hero's Welcome in North Hero, Vermont (it's right where boats dock)

 See the benches?  Look closely!


  1. VERMONT: COVID-19 [Population 623,989]
    You can see our spike in April and that we've recently had a few outbreaks, but without the previous death rate.

    I started keeping track on March 29th. That day I wrote:

    Sunday 52 cases / 2 deaths
    Monday 75 cases / 5 deaths
    Tuesday 95 cases / 7 deaths
    Wednesday 123 cases / 8 deaths
    Thursday 158 cases / 9 deaths
    Friday 184 cases / 10 deaths
    Saturday 211 cases / 12 deaths
    Sunday 235 cases / still 12 deaths

    April 1 ~ 321 cases / 16 deaths

    May 1 ~ 879 cases / 50 deaths
    In Hospital 11

    June 1 ~ 983 cases / 55 deaths
    In Hospital 1

    July 1 ~ 1219 cases / 56 deaths
    In Hospital 1

  2. Re benches at Hero--it looks like they only have two political parties, or at least only two recognized by the store.

    1. It’s pretty tongue-in-cheek. Just a way of poking fun at all the polarization, I think.

    2. Everyone is welcome at Hero’s Welcome, whichever bench they sit upon. LOL!

    3. Ah, so THAT'S what the top photo is about. I couldn't read the printing and the significance of the colors didn't register.

      Illinois only has two recognized parties required to hold primaries; everybody else has to file petitions to be on the ballot. There were four years when the Greens were a recognized party. That was after social conservatives got fed up with the moderate Republican establishment always winning the primary and instead voted for the Green party's gubernatorial candidate (a gun rights advocate). Brought his well over the 5% mark that qualifies a party as "recognized."

  3. Replies
    1. I didn’t know there were other murals too. The one in Jericho has been vandalized at least twice...with paint and twice with skid marks.

      That’s a hate crime.

  4. Answered your question on the last thread, listener. My county rated a Level 3 Public Emergency. Sometimes being an extreme introvert is very handy. Staying in doesn't bother me in the least. I love to cook. I bake my own bread. I have more fabric and craft supplies than any *sane* person should have. I've made 14 quilts from twin-size to baby and now I'm working on toys. It's much harder for my son who was used to going out socially twice a week and now doesn't have those outlets. I just wish my favorite thrift store would re-open because my entire entry is full of things to be donated. Ditto the church pantry where I donate my quilts and toys. I'll have so much stuff for them I'll need my son to go with me to help haul it all. And *if* they don't continue their work I'll donate the things I've made to a homeless shelter that houses families.

    1. That is a quarantine well spent, Susan! Way to go!!
      You have always been so generous with your skills.
      I admire you greatly for it, and still cherish that you made hats for Ally...
      ...who, by the way, is thriving! She was just interviewed on NH radio.

    2. Found it, Susan. Your routine sounds very much like mine. I try for about every two weeks and I bring sanitizing wipes along with me. I carry one or two into shops with me, use one to wipe down the cart, and the other I hold in my hand ongoingly. I use a third back at the car and wash like crazy (my hands and all new items) when I get home. So far, so good.

  5. Sorry, this is an awful lot of links.--Alan

    Vindman Retires from Military Over Political Retaliation [Click] It would be in order for Biden to compensate for it somehow.

    Trump Pushed CIA to Give Intelligence to Kremlin [Click] Holy shit.

    The Cook Political Report [Click] “This election is looking more like a Democratic tsunami than simply a Blue wave.” Exactly what I was thinking yesterday. Tsunami.

    Sunbelt Leads World In [New] Coronavirus Cases [Click] “There is no country in the world where confirmed coronavirus cases are growing as rapidly as they are in Arizona, Florida or South Carolina. The Sun Belt has become the global virus capital.”

    Harvard and MIT Sue Trump Over International Students [Click]

    1. DT can't possibly win against the likes of the minds at MIT and Harvard. LOL!

    2. And they have money to burn.

    3. "Sorry, this is an awful lot of links.--Alan"

      NOT sorry!
      Keep 'em coming!

      I learn something important every day, Alan.

    4. Better be careful about that, listener; beware the Homer Simpson Effect!

  6. Democrats in Battleground States Are Extraordinarily United Behind Biden [Click]

    Democrats Hold Big Ad Edge In Key Senate Races [Click] I do wonder if significant numbers of people really decide who to vote for on the basis of political advertising.

    As COVID Surges Again, Experts Forecast Hundreds Of Thousands More US Deaths [Click] Discussion of various unknowable variables.

    Mike Pence’s Plan to Save Trump—And Himself [Click] “Their fates are wholly entwined: ‘You get the Trump stink on you, it’s hard to get it off.’” It occurs to me that even a whole-body tomato sauce shampoo wouldn’t be enough. But you know I have a bad attitude.

    Brooks Brothers seeks bankruptcy protection amid pandemic [Click] Gee, I don’t understand that; I shop there just as often as I ever have.

    1. Y'know, I don't even think tomato juice and lemon juice mixed together would solve this one.

  7. Could this be the supermarket of the future? [Click] An interesting idea, both old fashioned and innovative at the same time.

    Releasing People From Prison Is Easier Said Than Done [Click] A long read.

  8. OHIO: As of Wednesday afternoon, there have been at least 60,181 confirmed or probable cases in the state, 2,991 deaths, and 8,489 hospitalizations, according to the Ohio Department of Health.

  9. 1256 total cases (+2)
    56 deaths (none in 3 weeks!)
    Recovered 1049
    Now 151 active cases
    In Hospital = 2 ( +0)
    Tests 71,746 (+643)

  10. Trump drops out. Biden gets sick. Pence is fired. What if 2020 gets really crazy? [Click] “The most norm-shattering leader in American history is bound to produce some surprises, especially with his reelection in peril.” Might I suggest investing in microwave popcorn futures for September delivery?

    In other news notes, two weeks after Trump’s rally, Covid cases are increasing rapidly in Tulsa, and tomorrow the Supreme Court is to release its decision on Trump’s finances.

    1. Come to think of it, maybe I will convert the "Things getting really crazy" article into a checkoff list and put it on my corkboard.
