Tuesday, June 09, 2020

♬♫ Trilling Wren ♪♬♫


    Maine is allowing visitors who quarantine for 2 weeks and/or have a negative a COVID-19 test. However, Maine has just updated that to say that persons from VERMONT and New Hampshire do not need to quarantine and need not have a test before visiting! This means that, technically, we can visit family in Maine and Maine family can come here! We are all discussing the possibilities. WOW!!

  2. Replies
    1. That's certainly good news, if true.

    2. I'm not going to be comfortable until they're identifying all cases and their contacts. If most contacts of asymptomatic cases test negative, that's good news. But it still lets some slip through.

  3. Bernie Sanders Is Not Done Fighting [Click] New Yorker interview; “The senator on the protests, his phone calls with Joe Biden, and when to compromise.”

  4. Trump’s troop cut in Germany FUBAR [Click] Pentagon learns of it from Wall Street Journal, has yet to receive an order, contradicts assurances given to German government, etc.

  5. Replies
    1. This stuff has far flung consequences. My sister had to unfriend and block someone on Facebook who parroted Trump's claims that the victim faked his injuries and went on to suggest that the victim deserved what he got. Sis saw the video and was incredulous that anyone would repeat Trump's line. The guy was a new friend and had seemed quite congenial up to that point.

  6. Iowa Is a Toss-Up
    June 9, 2020 By Taegan Goddard

    A new Civiqs poll in Iowa finds Joe Biden and Donald Trump in a dead heat in the presidential race, 46% to 46%. In the U.S. Senate race, Theresa Greenfield (D) leads Sen. Joni Earnst (R), 48% to 45%.

    Are they gone for good? The Trump supporters who regret their vote [Click] “President’s latest decisions – deploying military forces against protesters, and the church photo op – are chipping away at his base.” Interesting bit from the Monmouth Poll.

    Lots of interesting stories at The Atlantic this morning. [Click]

  7. OHIO: As of Tuesday afternoon, there have been at least 39,162 confirmed or probable cases in the state, 2,421 deaths, and 6,620 hospitalizations, according to the Ohio Department of Health.

  8. Egad— headlines on politicalwire.com [Click]

    [GOP] Lawmakers Urge Trump Not to Cut Troops in Germany
    Bipartisan Push to Change Mississippi’s Flag
    Trump Nearly Fired Esper [and Esper nearly resigned]
    Pentagon Plans for Possible Youth Uprising
    Trump ‘Desperately’ Wants Bush to Endorse Biden
    Trent Lott Abruptly Fired from Lobbying Firm
    Trump Detached [from nearly everyone in the Washington]
    Voting Issues Again In Georgia
    Sanders Backs Engel’s Primary Challenger
    Trump Is Out of Step with the Country
    The Last Stand for ‘Law and Order’ Republicans

    Bonus Quote of the Day: “I think what’s happened is one of those great inflection points in American history.”
    — Joe Biden, explaining to CBS News what George Floyd’s death at the hands of police means for the country.

    Why Is the World Protesting?
    Trump Says Rallies May Resume Next Week

    1. While I do not wish to innumerate unhatched barnyard fowl, it does seem things are looking less than rosy for Trump.

  9. ==========================
    June 9, 2020 By Taegan Goddard

    A new Kaier Research poll in Michigan finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in the presidential race, 50% to 35%. In the U.S. Senate race, Sen. Gary Peters (D) leads John James (R), 48% to 32%.

    Well, there’s still time to improve on that…

    Schumer holds off endorsing Eliot Engel [Click]

    Dr. Fauci: We’re still at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. [Click]

    Diplomats Fume Over Pompeo’s ‘Deafening’ Silence As Protests Spread Worldwide [Click]

    COVID Wrecked 2020 Voter Registration Efforts But Then Came The BLM Protests [Click]

  10. Just signed a petition demanding Fox News fire Tucker Carlson. I can't imagine it'll ever happen, but signing the petition can't hurt. Here's what I wrote in the comments box:

    All lives matter. Able bodied, heterosexual white male lives are not inherently more valuable than others. Claiming that they are and fomenting not only hatred but violence between groups goes against everything America stands for. Racism is unpatriotic as well as wicked.

  11. VT: 1084/55 (+9/ 0)
    128 active cases
    Recovered: 901 (+6)
    In Hospital 2 (+1)
    Tests 44,228 (+2570)

  12. Another day spent in the garden until dark.

    I see I’m going to have to look up what the heck Tucker Carlson said/did. Wow.

    I’m LOVING that the fence is getting covered in protest art!!

  13. Absolutely the best news!!

    Maine has opened the door to Vermonters and vice versa. So family from Maine will all be coming to Vermont next week!!! We will finally get to see our other two children, our RN DIL, and the other half of our grands!!

    We haven’t see Grandbaby since mid-January and she’s almost 9 1/2 months old. So we’ve missed half her life so far. My heart is happy. And they have all been being super careful about the virus, taking all the wise precautions.

    1. We figure this is the best chance to get together, before the effects of the protests hit and before Maine opens more as of July 1st.
