Saturday, January 25, 2020

It's a Marshmallow World in the Winter

It's also a marshmallow world in the Summer...


  1. Here’s the logo for Trump’s Space Force, and it looks remarkably like that of Starfleet Command. [Click] By Grabthar’s Hammer, it certainly does! Close enough to constitute copyright infringement, I dare say.

    1. Starfleet has way better looking uniforms.

    2. My favourite note in the Comments section is this from Tim21 around 7:30pm last night:

      "This administration should use the logo of the Ferengi Alliance instead of the Federation."

    3. Truly! Look up the logo of the Ferengi Alliance...only, picture it orange.

  2. listener--for the benefit of us culturally deprived folk, what are those white bucket-like things in the photo, anyhow?

    1. Alan, I believe those are snow-covered hay bales, but I prefer to think of them as giant marshmallows.

    2. Go take a look...I put up another photo of the crop of giant marshmallows. I tell ya, we can grow anything in Vermont, but we like to do fun stuff like Ben & Jerry's and marshmallows.

      Actually, those are big round hay bales wearing plastic hay bale covers so that they stay dry in Winter.

    3. Ah--there's nothing in the picture for scale, so they look smaller than they are. And the lighting makes them look like they are standing on end, not on their sides. Interesting that they wouldn't be put into a hay barn.

    4. Maybe there isn't enough time after cutting and baling the hay for it to dry properly before winter precipitation, so it can't be safely stacked.

    5. I suspect the barn was already full, or they don't have one.

    6. Dry hay can spontaneously combust, although wet hay is more likely to catch fire. Don't know why that is, but that's what the experts say. I guess it's dangerous to store too much hay in a barn.

    7. Near where I once lived, in the North [San Francisco] Bay Area, a lot of hay was grown. After baling and drying, HUGE stacks were made pending shipment. Once in a while one of those stacks would catch fire, and the fires were extremely difficult to extinguish; the first step is to tear the whole stack down. As I understand it, growth of fungi (just as in a compost heap), which is dependent on sufficient moisture, is the cause of ignition.

      In the town where I grew up there was a similar incident. One of the biggest lumber mill’s cold decks caught fire and burnt up; it was attributed to bark that was knocked off the logs during handling and ground into the dirt beneath the stored logs. To make up for the loss of logs they bought the last steam-powered lumber mill on the northern coast of California for its cold deck, getting the company's land to boot.

    8. I'm not 100% sure of the extent to which fungi are involved, but it is definitely the sort of heat-generating biodegradation you see in a compost heap. Our neighbors had a very large heap of wet leaves catch fire. Their initial idea was to spray on more water, but I was able to persuade them to stop that and rake the pile apart so the heat could escape.

  3. Replies
    1. I sincerely hope that while trump and his idiot enablers keep winning battles, they will lose the ultimate war. Their partisanship over country is going to cling to them like a foul stench.

  4. Veterans Association demands an apology from DT for downplaying the seriousness of TBIs

    1. Someone lacking a brain will obviously not empathize with others' traumatic brain injuries. Hey, he survived bone spurs, didn't he?

    2. Good for the veterans. The more people who stand up to Trump the better.

  5. A new New York Times/Siena poll in Iowa finds Bernie Sanders leading the Democratic field with 25%, followed by Pete Buttigieg at 18%, Joe Biden at 17%, Elizabeth Warren at 15% and Amy Klobuchar at 8%. Last pre-caucus Desmoines Register poll to be released today at 5:45 PM Iowa time.

    Coronavirus spread accelerating in China, says Xi Jinping [Click]

    Has physicist's gravity theory solved 'impossible' dark energy riddle? [Click] “Prof Claudia de Rham’s ‘massive gravity’ theory could explain why universe expansion is accelerating.” BIG stuff, and there is promise of experimental testing in the near future.

    1. Gravitons possibly moving faster than light? Gravity rainbows? All this is quite fascinating and a little mind blowing.

  6. Walter Shapiro: Joe Biden’s Confounding Candidacy [Click] “The former vice president is drawing tiny, unenthused crowds in Iowa. So why is he still one of the frontrunners?”

    1. Perhaps more accurately, "said to be one of the frontrunners." I look forward (with mixed trepidation and enthusiasm) to the Des Moines Register poll, due in an hour and a half.

    2. I don't believe for one minute that Biden is a frontrunner by the measure of any poll I've seen. He has been "gifted" with *frontrunner status* by the Democratic Establishment, the oligarchs afraid of having to pay their fair share, and some of the media. He is Hillary 2.0, and would get the same results. They would smear Hunter's stink all over him so thick he could never escape it, and I'm not talking about Burisma.

    3. Was I mistaken about the DesMoines register poll?

    4. Yep, mistaken: "the final pre-caucus poll from Selzer & Company will be released next Saturday, February 1, at 9:00 PM ET. The reveal will be broadcast live on CNN."

    5. GREAT NEWS!! I am SO HAPPY that the Des Moines Register didn't pick Bernie!!! Turns out they nearly always pick the candidate who *doesn't* win the caucuses!! LOL!

    6. I agree with Susan. Biden is a manufactured front runner, and will if nominated lose, possibly spectacularly.

    7. Credit where credit is due: the Register reports it. Reading the column, I see that their ability to choose winners is even worse than mine.

  7. Local weather station (a mile from my house as the crow flies) currently reads:
    High: . . . 164.0°F. . . . 40.6°F
    . . . . . . . . 3:36am . . . 2:41pm
    Low: . . . . 31.9°F . . . . 19.1°F
    . . . . . . . . 1:49am . . . .3:30am

    So I wrote:
    May I assume that’s a typo and not that your house caught fire during the night?

  8. This is excerpted from an e-mail I received from Mother Jones:

    [There are searchable databases of Facebook ads and suchlike] But there’s no such database for old-fashioned political mail...

    Campaigns and outside groups often say stuff in mailers they don’t say in public—it’s where they show their true colors...It’d be easier if campaigns and other organizations just sent us all this stuff, but they don’t, and so we need your help.

    Did you get a piece of political mail that caught your eye for one reason or another? Send it to us. Just take a photo of the mailer—the full thing, if you can—and email it to our tipline,, along with your home state.

    In recent years I have received very few political mailers, and most of those after I have voted. Bumper stickers also seem to have gone out of fashion.

  9. This afternoon I just happened to be on Facebook and just happened to look at my notifications in time to see that Bernie was about to be live. Despite minor technical problems, I only missed the first couple moments of his address, apparently his last campaign event in Iowa before the caucuses.

    I totally fail to grasp why people don't like him. He has great presence, he is serious and focused yet with flashes of levity if not exactly humor when appropriate. I myself find him approachable (or maybe sympathetic is a better word), personable and quite charming, though in a craggy, New England sort of way not at all in a slick, smarmy sort of way. He so obviously cares about what he says, that in itself is highly appealing. He has a well thought out plan, and he has believed and fought for the same things his entire life. If that's not integrity, I don't know what is.

    I just don't get it. What is it that the media and such want? Personally, if I'm looking for razzmatazz, I'll go to the Vegas strip! If I want intelligence, sincerity and straight talk, I'll go to Bernie Sanders. Is there something wrong with me? Are my priorities inverted or something? Why do other people apparently want something shallow and frivolous and inconsequential that Bernie can't provide?

    1. Cat, in person, one-to-one, Bernie is super warm and gentle. Some years ago I went up to him at a town hall meeting near here to ask him to support the National Nurse Act. He took my hand and listened to me, like I was the only one in the room, holding onto my hand the whole time. And his hand was warm. He was happy to look into sponsoring and I gave him a National Nurse button. He's a real person who cares very deeply and would serve our nation with honour.

    2. The presence of lunkheads in the world does not make you an oddball, Cat. News media have to generate interest or they don't stay in business. Actually reporting what is happening is at best secondary. Mr. Dooley had it right--when it's news that children obey their parents, that laws are obeyed, married people are faithful, that politicians do what they say and so forth-- then we are in big trouble. It seems very much off topic, but I am reminded of Molly Ivins complaining about sin taxes, and saying that the virtuous ought to carry their fair share of the load.

    3. Thanks, Listener and Alan. Your comments made me feel better.
