Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Time to carve a pumpkin! 🎃


  1. From the last thread: listener, you are absolutely 100% wrong about Medigap plan C. There is no in-network nonsense; we can go to any doctor or hospital we choose. It almost sounds like you have confused it with Medicare Part C, which is totally unrelated.

    Do you not see plan C with the Medigap insurer you are checking out? Not all companies offer the same range of plans. We got ours through AARP some years ago.

  2. The Toxic Bubble of Technical Debt Threatening America [Click] From The Atlantic

    Dear Senate Republicans: [Click] “…there is no escape…But it is about to get worse…”

    Internal WH Debate Stifles Release of Pence-Zelenskiy Call [Click] Damned if they do, damned if they don’t?

    Have Democrats found their breakout witness? [Click]

    CNN: [Click] “A San Francisco man is going to extreme lengths to call out Facebook’s controversial policy of allowing politicians to run false ads on its platform. On Monday morning, he registered as a candidate in California’s 2022 gubernatorial election — not with the primary goal of becoming governor, but so he can run false Facebook ads of his own.”

    Bloomberg: Biden Iowa campaign seems inadequate [Click]


  3. Biggest Private Coal Miner Goes Bust as Trump Rescue Fails [Click] Demand for coal continues to weaken.

    Trump Proposes War Crime In Syria [Click] The same one Cheney wanted to carry out in Iraq—steal their oil. Cheney’s scheme failed when no oil companies would traffic the oil. In Trump’s case it’s even crazier—how does he propose to get the oil out of Syria?

    Sanders leads in NH [Click]

    Vindman took notes on Trup-Zelinskiy phone call, proposed edits. [Click]


  4. Arizona is a toss-up [Click] And we’re a year out from the election; I like the trend.

    Poll: Impeach & convict Trump 46% yes to 47% no [Click]

    Jimmy Kimmel: Mash-up of Trump’s al-Baghdadi Speech & Obama’s Bin Laden Speech [Click] Not half bad. Presumably canned laughter.

    “You can judge a person by the friends they have. You can judge a candidate for president by the enemies they have.”
    — Sen. Bernie Sanders, in a CNBC interview.

    Axios: The GOP's nightmare scenario [Click]

  5. And that is certainly a creatively carved pumpkin at the beginning of the thread, listener; was it made by anyone in your crew?
