Monday, September 23, 2019

♡ T ♡ A ♡ N ♡ N ♡ E ♡ R ♡

                                                                                          Tanner is free...

                                           My sentiments exactly

                  Tanner at age 2                                Jason, Megan, Noah, Tanner, Austin


  1. Bright Morning Stars Are Rising

    Bright morning stars are rising
    Bright morning stars are rising
    Bright morning stars are rising
    Day is breaking in my soul

    Oh where are our dear fathers
    Oh where are our dear mothers
    Across the valley praying
    Day is breaking in my soul

    Oh where are our dear brothers
    Oh where are our dear sisters
    They’ve gone to heaven shouting!
    Day is breaking in my soul

    Oh where is my dear Saviour?
    Where is my dear Saviour?
    Here in my heart forever
    Day is breaking in my soul

    Bright morning stars are rising
    Bright morning stars are rising
    Bright morning stars are rising
    Day is breaking in my soul

    traditional Appalachian Folk song

    1. I especially love how it's sung by Judy Collins.

      (This is the song I want my dearest friend to sing at my service. Only, she's two years older than I, so...)

  2. I’M GOING HOME [Click]

    Farewell, vain world! I’m going home!
    My Savior smiles and bids me come,
    And I don’t care to stay here long!

    Sweet angels beckon me away,
    To sing God’s praise in endless day,
    And I don’t care to stay here long!

    Right up yonder, Christians, away up yonder;
    Oh, yes, my Lord, for I don’t care to stay here long.

    I’m glad that I am born to die,
    From grief and woe my soul shall fly,
    And I don’t care to stay here long!

    Bright angels shall convey me home,
    Away to New Jerusalem,
    And I don’t care to stay here long!

    Right up yonder, Christians, away up yonder;
    Oh, yes, my Lord, for I don’t care to stay here long.

  3. Jason split not too long after that picture was taken. Remarried. Seems he preferred a cancer free family. Megan remarried this spring--to a man with several handicapped children.

    1. I remember Jason leaving. That seemed unconscionable. Just as we saw Megan’s fine mettle under pressure, Jason’s inability came out as well. How horribly sad. What must that have meant to the children? Did he stay connected with the kids at least, or just gone? Megan is amazing to take on new challenges...! Ah, the power of Love!

  4. Some contact--a week a year at the new family's place. Boys never seemed that excited about it. But civil. Ten times the mama, 1/10th a dad--seems about right. New hubby has custody of all the kids. No idea where the mother went.

    1. It’s so good that Megan and her new husband found each other...for all their sakes.

  5. Replies
    1. It would be truly ironic if the charge against Trump were failure to hand over a document as required by law. And yet, that is exactly the sort of legal point on which the Johnson and Clinton impeachments were based.


    The frustration that I feel and many others have expressed is not so much that the Democrats aren’t moving forward with formal impeachment proceedings. It’s about the way the weakness they’re showing as Trump and the Republicans walk all over them,practically laughing in their faces.

    At least one Democratic Congressman has had enough. It’s time to stop playing games and start playing hardball. (that would be Ted Lieu)

  7. Go Greta!
    I see more than anger and lack of forgiveness here. I see inspiration and challenge. Her "How dare you?!" says it well. What might leaders dare to do now?

    Angry Greta Thunberg tells global leaders she 'will never forgive' them for failing on climate change

  8. House Democrats Are Ignoring This Key Lesson of Watergate [Click] They must enforce their subpoenas with their inherent powers if they are to be taken seriously.

  9. "Labeling Trump’s alleged conduct as “bribery” or “extortion” cheapens what is alleged to have occurred and does not capture what makes it wrongful. It’s not a crime—it’s a breach of the president’s duty to not use the powers of the presidency to benefit himself. And he invited a foreign nation to influence the 2020 presidential election on the heels of a nearly three-year investigation that proved Russia had tried to influence the 2016 presidential election.

    "No one should expect law enforcement to act if our elected representatives are unwilling to do so."

  10. Harry Potter and the Poorly-Read Exorcists [Click] Happy Banned Book Week! What I want to know is, quis exorsat exorces ipsos?
