Wednesday, September 04, 2019



  1. The secret to Democrats winning the midwest: fight big agriculture [Click] “Factory farming sucks up money and pollutes rural communities in swing states like Iowa… five Democrats running for president – Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Julian Castro, Tulsi Gabbard, and Marianne Williamson – have come out in support of a ban on the expansion of factory farms.” That’s all? Five?

  2. I made it to Maine. Got chased here by some serious looking thunderstorms. Got a little ahead of them, though stopped to visit a family member who had a stroke a week ago. So I was lucky that just as they reached the coast they faltered and went around us.
    Now I get to play Gramie for a few days. 🤗

  3. Did anyone here watch the CNN Clinate Change Town Hall? If so, did you happen to notice that Joe Biden seemed to break a blood vessel in his eye during it?

    Of course, even with all that’s mentioned in the article, he’s still more healthy than DT. Ha!

  4. I didn't watch it, listener, but picked up the following article (the blood vessel in Biden's eye wasn't your imagination):

    CNN’s Climate Forum Went Badly for Biden [Click] This is from Politico, so not the highest quality reporting, but probably fair.

    Britain’s Political Chaos Shows Everything Is Okay [Click] “The country’s unwritten constitution is being stretched to its limit, but is still in place—for now.”

    How some 2020 Democrats would actually get their climate plans through the Senate [Click] Sen. Harris says that if she were President and the Senate didn’t end the filibuster, she wold do so. The last I heard, the Senate set its own rules—they were not dictated by the President.

    The Surprising Rural Health-Care Legacy of the 1960’s [Click]

    1. The Washington Examiner article I posted mentioned it. But I didn’t notice in the little bit I watched. CNN then had an outage! It quit during the town hall and I coukdn’t Even get CNN (of any sort) on on my iPhone. (Yet another electronic disruption!).
