Saturday, August 03, 2019

The Bunker Hill Monument, Charlestown, Massachusetts

My Great Great Grandparents lived and died in Charlestown.  
Family legend has it that Great Great Grandfather Patrick set the original bars 
in upper windows of the Bunker Hill Monument. 

I took this photo one week ago, at our Great Nephew's birthday party, 
which was held beside the Monument...a common practice of town residents.


  1. Joseph Harker: Jeremy Corbyn’s stance on Brexit could yet pay off, even for remainers. Here’s why [Click] An optimistic opinion on the possible course of UK politics, including a memorable joke about a traveler asking for directions. “Like Boris Johnson, I’m an optimist. In fact, the more I see of him, the more optimistic I get for a Labour election victory.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. link repaired:

      This US heartland has been flooded for five months. Does anyone care? [Click] That’s longer than the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927. [Click] The reason seems to be that flood control measures for the area that were supposed to have been taken after 1927 were not.

      Sicilian fishermen risk prison to rescue migrants: ‘No human would turn away’ [Click] A pox on Salvini.

    2. Does anyone care? There have certainly been articles in the Tribune, some noting that there are farmers at serious risk of losing an entire year's crop. One of those articles pointed the finger at flood control measures that were inconsistent between different stretches of the river. On our recent train trip to Utah Penny and I didn't see a lot of flooded fields, but we did see some. In July.
