Monday, July 29, 2019



  1. From the Boston Globe:
    Power in the rubble of the American Dream: Why Donald Trump may be the most consequential president of our time [Click] Like Hegel said: thesis engenders antithesis; Marx applied the idea to political economy; and thus Trump may be leading the way to a progressive renaissance.

  2. I keep getting these e-mails from Bernie's campaign, to which I make a monthly donation. The answer to the question is, frankly, NO. Do others here get such e-mails, or am I special? I wondered if it might reflect the total I have given in this cycle, or maybe that and some from the previous cycle, but the amount requested never changes.

    "I am writing to ask if Bernie can count on you to make a $176.12 contribution to our campaign today."

    1. I get several emails a day, but I file most unread so I can't speak to that specific dollar amount. I have made a couple of contributions but haven't yet signed up for monthly. I have noticed, however, that for both political and charitable causes, making a monthly contribution does not reduce the number of solicitation emails.

    2. I get several a day and they make me slightly panicky. I'd love to help but Bernie keeps asking poor people for money they don't have. I make $5 donations now and then, but I cannot do it every time I get an email.

    3. Perhaps I should also mention that I get one or more emails a day from Warren and Castro and Bullock and and. None of whom I have ever donated to.

    4. I suspect that once you donate ActBlue spreads your name around to *everyone*.

    5. There's no question that email addresses get shared both among politicians and among charitable organizations, but I'm not inclined to point to ActBlue. It's notable that the dozen or so presidential candidates I've heard from don't include either Harris or Butigiege (I can never spell his name).

    6. Nah, I still blame ActBlue because that's the only way I donate to candidates.

    7. But the candidates themselves have your name an email address to share with candidates for other offices. And ActBlue certainly couldn't share information about my charitable contributions.
