Monday, July 01, 2019

Welcome July!


  1. Forecast Model Predicts Democratic Win In 2020 [Click] “Rachel Bitecofer’s Negative Partisanship Model — which nailed the 2018 midterm elections — predicts Democrats will win the presidency in 2020.”

    Trump Wants Military Tanks for July 4th Event [Click] The last I heard, the streets of DC couldn’t bear the weight. By way of contrast, consider the following story from the Boston Globe:

    Soros and Koch Team Up to End ‘Forever War’ Policy [Click] “We’ll be a failure if in 10 years we’re still criticizing. In 10 years, we want to be driving the bus.”

    Buttigieg raises $24.8m as candidate cull looms [Click]

    There’s a new top tier — and a sense among the campaigns that the Democratic primary has opened up. [Click]

    How the Supreme Court Messed Up the Census Case [Click]

    There’s a Generational Shift in the Debate Over Busing [Click] “Kamala Harris took part in a bold experiment as a child—and the experiences of her generation may transform the debate over desegregation.” Well, I sure hope so. The column concentrates on the “Berkeley Plan.”

    The Coming Reset in the U.S.-Saudi Alliance [Click] “The relationship has survived for seven decades. A Democratic president could change that.”

  2. I'll be leaving for Spikecon in Utah tomorrow, so you probably won't be seeing me around much until a week from Thursday.

  3. Trump Fumes About New York State Investigations [Click] Awwww…

    Fox News compared to North Korean State TV [Click]

    Texas Lawmakers Conceal Emails [Click]

    Few know About Trump’s plans to hijack the national July 4th celebration to glorify himself. [Click] Trump Rambles About Having Tanks And Fighter Jets At Fourth Of July Celebration [Click]

    How Lincoln's disdain for demagogues pricks Trump's Fourth of July pomposity [Click] “If nothing else, the president’s speech on the Mall on Thursday will show how far we have fallen since Lincoln”


    Q: What’s red, white, and blue and has a lot of arms?
    Response: I don’t know. What?
    A: An octopus carrying the American flag.

    Q: Do they have a Fourth of July in England?
    A: Yes. They also have a third of July, second of July, etc.

    Q: If Washington’s wife went to Washington while Washington’s washerwoman washed Washington’s woolies, how many W’s would there be in all?
    A: There are no W’s in “all.”

    He who drinks a fifth on the fourth will have trouble going forth on the fifth.

    US nuclear arms control office critically understaffed under Trump, experts say
