Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Nine Lives


  1. Poll: Biden’s Support Among Black Voters Cut In Half [Click] They are not reporting net favorability ratings or first plus second choices.

    Justice Department’s Inspector General to Investigate Decision to Cancel FBI Move [Click] Cynical fellow that I am, I would not rule out a whitewash.

    NRA meltdown has Trump campaign sweating. [Click] Chamber of Commerce and Koch political network withdrawing support also.

    U.S. trade deficit reaches 5-month high in May [Click] Anybody else tired of winning so much?

    Family of woman killed in Las Vegas shooting files lawsuit against gun makers and three dealers [Click]

  2. Trump Fed Pick Wants to Revive Gold Standard [Click] Cute. It didn't work for the UK after WWI--helped to make the postwar depression worse.

  3. Thanks, Alan. As always, your links are spot on. I placed a small order with Rags of Honor. Not the Big, Bad John T-shirt -- Don't quite have the nerve to wear that in front of my father. I do live in his house, after all. Bought one that says "Hope anchors the soul". He'll probably jeer at that one too, but me thinks my telling him it was produced by a shop run by and for homeless vets may give him pause.

  4. Thanks, Cat; I try. Here's another:

    It’s Son vs. Son-In-Law [Click] It’s right out of Sun Tzu’s playbook [Click] except that they are doing it to themselves! In the alleged words of Napoleon, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

    And now to send Booker a bit of love, in hopes he can make the cut for the third debate.

  5. Replies
    1. Rats! No oceans on Venus, no canals and now no little green men on Mars! Is there no end of disillusionment for SF readers?

  6. A Hearing in the Census Case Turns Surreal [Click] “Government lawyers faced an irate federal judge on Wednesday, after the president publicly contradicted what they had told the court.” At 2PM Friday it’s fish or cut bait.

  7. I had wondered about this very sort of thing; evidently the question has been asked and there is a least one answer. From Quora:
    If Trump stands behind Kamala Harris in a debate like he did Hillary in an effort to intimidate, would Kamala make him pay the price?

    Karin Cozzolino, former Technical Writer at Hughes Aircraft Company/Raytheon (1976-2007)
    Answered 3d ago

    Do you know what I would say if I was Ms. Harris in a debate and Trump came out from behind his podium?

    I’d stop what I was saying, turn to face him, and say,

    “Mr. Trump, it looks like you’re maybe feeling a little uncomfortable, I understand this is tough for a man in his 70’s, it’s okay if you need to take a bathroom break,”

    Then IMMEDIATELY turn to the moderator. “Rachel [or whoever], can we have a moment so Mr. Trump can have a break? We’ll all feel better and less distracted if he can get comfortable and stay behind his podium.” (Dazzling smile.)

    Of course Trump is going to deny that he needs a bladder break, but he’s already been put at a disadvantage: the issue of his age and possible health issues has been raised, and the idea that he’s a menacing presence looming behind her to dominate the stage has been killed dead.

    Instead of that, we have the image of an old man who has to keep shuffling around so he doesn’t pee on himself. Hardly menacing; more like pathetic. And the idea that maybe he’s too old for the presidency has been firmly planted in voters’ minds.

    (FWIW, though, I’m sure that the “rules of engagement” for the next Trump debate will specify that both debaters have to stay in place behind their podiums.)

    1. I have no doubt that this suggestion has found its way to Sen. Harris and will be given careful consideration. She might well be able to improve on it. BTW, I see that she qualifies as a member of a younger generation, being only 55. I also see that she earned her J.D. at Hastings College of Law in SF. Every Hastings graduate but one whom I have encountered has been *very* good. That said, the attorney I particularly remember as jaw-droppingly great was a Yale Law graduate. I remember her taking a senior federal administrative law judge to task for a thoughtlessly sexist remark (that was about 35 years ago) and reducing him to a stuttering apology, but there were other things she did REALLY well in that case.

  8. California becomes first US state to ban discrimination over natural hairstyles [Click] The law prohibits employers and schools from enforcing rules against styles that would unfairly target black people.

    1. Excellent. As so often, California leads the nation.

    2. Republicans, once strongly competitive, are an endangered species out here. I hope that the old chestnut that the future happens first in California proves true, the sooner the better. I think it is fair to say that the Bay State has also often led the way.
