Sunday, May 05, 2019

The Greening of the Spring


  1. Cornish hedges are different [Click] Listener—I wonder if Root Center Son might find this interesting.

    1. Very cool, Alan. Thanks! I'll pass it along to him.

  2. puddle shared this on Facebook and I believe it is 100% correct:

    "It’s terribly sad to admit that a huge portion of this nation is moved not by party over country (which would be bad enough)—but by spite; that they care more about flipping Democrats the bird than the sovereignty of our nation. To know that people you respected and loved and live and work with, are moved primarily by anger as an engine, is reason for mourning.

    They would rather give a strident middle finger to Barack Obama, even at the expense of the air their kids breathe and the schools they attend.
    They’d prefer to “own the Libs,” even if their medical bills bankrupt them and businesses migrate away and natural disasters go ignored.
    Their white fragility is so profound, that they’ll give this President a blank check because he’s reversing any recent advances by marginalized communities whose gains they see as threats to their own.
    They’ll gladly take the bold type headline of “Trump Wins,” without caring to read the fine print where they are being hit the hardest and nothing is trickling down."

    "That’s why arguing policies or stating facts or attempting constructive conversation with the people who are pleased right now is almost impossible—because spite is irrational and stubborn and unmovable."

  3. Mobilization of the Democratic base is the only way to win; the New Democrats' plan of attracting Republican voters by being a little bit Republican has NOT worked well. Nor will it. Stacey Abrams is right. But just as the only effective recruiter for a union is a rotten boss, Trump is an excellent recruiter for a progressive Democrat. In fact, from time to time I have thought of a Warren-Abrams ticket; I'd vote for it in the blink of an eye.

  4. DNC big ask. [Click] I wouldn’t mind seeing them taken down a notch or two.

    1. I find myself wondering just what this "voter file" is. That's never explained. In Illinois, the name address, and phone number of every vote (including which primary they voted in) is available from the state government. Does this DNC file also contain information on who has contributed to various campaigns and party organizations? That could be valuable information, but it's not what the term "voter file" conveys to me.

    2. The DNC needs to be redacted in its entirety. They've done NOTHING but hurt our chances of winning elections. I hate the Democratic Establishment's dictatorial ways, especially when they show us over and over that they have no respect at all for our intelligence or our ability to choose a candidate.

    3. Progressives ought to band together, buy the file once and share it among themselves.

      I contacted Bernie's people and said I did not want my info shared with the DNC. I was told that they aren't sharing with the DNC. Of course, the DNC got a list somewhere else. But I don't know what they get from Vermont, since we don't have to register in a party to vote. Even in the primaries, we just say which ballot we want and no one writes that down. As an Independent, that is very important to me. The only way the local town clerks would have a notation as to whether you are D or R is if it comes from the parties themselves.
