Wednesday, May 15, 2019

It's Tree Day ~ NOT

We were having 6 dead or ailing trees taken down today.  But then we realised that that would be a really bad idea during nesting season.  So we have put it off until September.  Fortunately our neighbor (who has a few trees in the project too) was willing to accept PhD*Son's expert opinion on the subject.  And fortunately the Arborist said it was no problem for him to reschedule.  Next week we're having a good size Eastern/Canadian Hemlock planted.

The photo above is unrelated to the project.  Just some nice trees of which I snapped a photo!


  1. Replies
    1. Well, it was kind of dumb that we didn't think of it sooner, given that our son is a bird biologist! It was the Cardinal's nest that made us question the wisdom, when at the last minute (this weekend) our neighbour added having some bushes removed which are not far from the nest with the Cardinal's nest in it! We'd been assuming, too, that dead trees wouldn't be an issue, but truth be told lots of species nest in dead trees, Woodpeckers, Chickadees and more. Saved! Whew!

  2. I left some notes on the last thread. Be sure to have a look, Susan.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Bill. Interesting article, that showed me how confused and contradictory my own ideas are on the subject.

    2. I think Our Howard had it right: Free trade is basically a good thing, but the treaties need to include worker and environmental protections. Unfortunately, it's difficult to get those protections into the treaties.

  4. Alan in CA5/14/2019 05:19:00 PM

    Oh, and the Russians maintained that the TPP was a bad idea...

    Ya don't say. Well, wha'da'ya know about that. *snigger*

    5/15/2019 02:04:00 AM

    At least in Facebook you can get into the settings and turn off all the advertiser paths!

    Yes. It's a tedious job but it can be done. Thank heaven for small mercies.

  5. Ruh roh

    US pulls 'non-emergency staff' from Iraq as Iran tensions mount
