Thursday, April 11, 2019


First ever black hole image released

via BBC:  


  1. Essentially, they created a radio telescope more than nine thousand miles in diameter. That gives almost the best resolution possible on Planet Earth. And with modern communications and computers they could control the whole monstrous device. I was particularly taken with their explanation of why the black hole at the center of our galaxy is harder to see.

  2. Susan Davidson4/11/2019 04:59:00 PM

    listener, did you call that birdhouse a Republican birdhouse because it looks like Screaming Louie Gohmert was the model?

  3. Lol! Susan. It does, it does.

    1. Susan, I did it because it's a Bluebird house with an Owl (predator) face.

  4. Here is my major tranche of the day.

    Illinois measure progresses to require Presidential and VP candidates to release tax returns in order to appear on ballot [Click] According to the story, that makes 18 legislatures considering such a requirement.

    Democrats Already Plotting Super Tuesday Strategies [Click]

    Democrats Retool Opposition Research Effort [Click] Sounds very reasonable.

    Josh Marshall first thoughts on Assange arrest. [Click] “Mini-course in media law: As a general matter, a journalist is not responsible for any bad acts which may have produced information or documents she publishes if she was not part of those bad acts. The traditional hypothetical is if documents just fall out of the sky into your hands, it’s not your problem where they came from. But if you stole them it is your problem.” And then there is this: [Click]

    A President Falsely Charging ‘Treason’ Is What the Founders Feared. Trump’s accusations violate his oath of office. [Click]

    Why Europeans Don’t Get Huge Medical Bills [Click] Other countries still have health insurers, but they avoid five-figure medical bills. The answer lies in how the insurers and doctors are regulated.

    1. But the "insurance" in these countries looks very much like Medicare-for-all. It's essentially government-run insurance paid for by taxes.

  5. Ever notice that the human eye resembles a black hole?
