Thursday, April 04, 2019


But I know somehow, that only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars. ~ MLK, Jr.


  1. So, I went to the Garden Center and got a nice batch of photos to use as thread starters, so you don't have to keep looking at snow pictures. Only, I plumb forgot to actually set them to post. I'll get back to it after today's thread, which is in honour of the Feast Day of Martin Luther King, Jr. who died on this date in 1968. He was less than a year younger than my mother and father.

    I left messages on the last thread.

    1. Would I be correct to guess that photo at the beginning of this thread is looking due south? The prominent celestial object seems likely to be Venus.

    2. And that certainly is a spectacular leaf, listener!

  2. Filing Your Taxes Is an Expensive Time Sink. That’s Not an Accident. [Click]

    They Had It Coming [Click] “The parents indicted in the college-admissions scandal were responding to a changing America, with rage at being robbed of what they believed was rightfully theirs.” Just like many of Trump’s followers.

    1. What the article proposes about income taxes doesn't work at all for those of use required to post Schedule C -- which is believe includes the majority of the regulars here. And it's Schedule C that is the headache. Itemized deductions are no problem if you've kept good records.

    2. We have never itemised. We just don't have enough stuff, land or money to make it worthwhile.

  3. I posted a message on today's "Spring Leaf" thread. Unfortunately, copy-and-paste doesn't make the link clickable.

  4. Dandy column, Bill; thank you.

  5. Here is BIll's post from the Spectacular Leaf thread. I thought I had posted that for another day. I'll delete that thread to avoid confusion. But don't miss Bill's post!

    Bill Thomasson 4/04/2019 03:10:00 PM
    What Chicago's Mayoral Election Means for the 2020 Presidential Electioni . What the article doesn't mention is that in Democratic presidential primaries, unlike many Republican presidential primaries or Chicago's "jungle" primary, delegates are split among the major candidates according to the popular vote. A candidate who leads the pack with 35% of the vote isn't going to get a majority of the delegates. But aside from that, I think the article is pretty good about identifying the dynamics.

    1. Since this copy isn't clickable, I'll just mention that the article is on-line at

  6. The hesitancy of so many Democratic presidential contenders to announce their first-quarter fundraising results makes me wonder if their numbers might be dramatically reduced well before the Iowa "caucuses."

    1. I think that anyone who doesn't qualify for the summer debates is clearly not viable, and I wouldn't be surprised if that accounted for half of the current very long list (Ohio Congressman Paul Ryan announced today).


  8. Listener, I'm a sucker for stars, so today's photo gave me a smile.

    1. Thanks, Cat. It's not my own photo, but one I snagged from Google. But I looked at a lot of them before I chose.

    2. I still think that the brightest object is probably Venus, and there seems to be a city on the far side of the mountains. Very pretty no matter what.

    3. Either the view is to the south and there is a city on the other side of the mountains, or to the west not long after sundown. I think.

    4. I made the second assumption, which fits with Venus as the evening star.
