Thursday, March 07, 2019

Just Outside My Window...


  1. What a beautiful bird; about how big is it?

  2. Replies
    1. I endured no end of grief from prosecutors in one county that will go unnamed because of this. I discovered (thanks to a kid prosecutor who let it slip) that they were circulating false accusations behind my back that they accepted at face value from a rabid local DUI defense attorney. The truth of the matter was available at a state agency headquartered in the same county, but they didn't verify it. Neither did they ask me or pay any attention to the contrary official documents I learned to carry with me. At the same time they were impugning the integrity of their own witness (me), they let the most flamboyantly compromised defense witnesses testify without challenge. A number of the judges in that county were also real winners (note sarcastic tone); some of them couldn't understand the plain language of US Supreme Court decisions and refused to recognize appellate court decisions--but the state supreme court finally put them under a can. That was a factor in my decision to retire sooner than planned.

    2. That goes right along with all the negatives I know about Harris. I *really* hope I'm not forced to vote for her in the end because she is NOT fit to be President. During the campaign I am reading negative reviews of various candidates, but not sharing them.

  3. The Biggest Political Scandal in US History [Click] "We’re in the midst of making history more than we are reflecting it."

    That Time Trump Got $18.3 Million in Palm Beach [Click] Sure looks like insurance fraud; it’s old news, [Click] but now the Dems can do something about it.

    Michael Bloomberg: “I’m not running for president, but I am launching a new campaign: Beyond Carbon.” [Click] Well, good for him!

  4. The Teleprompter Test: why Trump’s pu\opulism is not his own. [Click] It appears to be a creation of his speech writers. In short (as if we didn't know) he's a phony.

    1. Somehow "populism" got mangled, but you knew that...

  5. Replies
    1. Another title for the story immediately above:
      "Why Democrats Have No Choice But to Move Left"

    2. I agree with DeLong. While I never fully supported Clinton's policies, I largely recognized them as appropriate to the time, to the then-current political zeitgeist. Reagan had moved the country right and this was the way for liberals to actually get something done. But that time. that zeitgeist is passed.

      I can be market-friendly under certain circumstances. Ten years ago I supported Obamacare (possibly with a public option, which in that context is still market oriented) over anything resembling Medicare for All. But the Republicans have succeeded in convincing me that Obamacare doesn't work. So Medicare for All it is.

  6. Does anyone here follow Bernie on social media? I am bemused by his lack of a 2020 web site, and wonder if the campaign figures people who don't use social media aren't numerous enough to care about.

  7. Susan Davidson3/07/2019 02:32:00 AM

    How many knocks on the head will it take to get through to Hillary that WE DO NOT WANT HER! I know she still has a rabid following, almost all women, and they fight viciously against anyone else's choice or opinion.

    Ain't that the truth! "rabid" and "viciously" are particularly apt. I fail to see her appeal, especially in contrast to Bernie who is very serious and yet totally lovable.

  8. From the Department of Wild Ass Speculation:

    March 7, 2019 By Taegan Goddard

    Former CIA Director John Brennan on MSNBC:
    I think Robert Mueller wants to be able to conclude his work and turn over the investigative threads to the Southern District of New York, the Eastern District of Virginia and other jurisdictions as appropriate. I wouldn’t be surprised if, for example, this week on Friday – not knowing anything about it – but Friday is the day the grand jury indictments come down.
    And, this Friday is better than next Friday, because next Friday is the 15th of March, which is the Ides of March, and I don’t think Robert Mueller will want to have that dramatic flair of the Ides of March when he’ll be delivering what I think are going to be indictments, the final indictments, as well as the report to the Attorney General.
    If anybody from the Trump family, extended family, is going to be indicted, it would be the final act of Mueller’s investigation.
    I figure it's definitely coming by Friday, but don't care to speculate about which Friday. And the Ides of March sounds just dandy to me; likewise any Friday the Thirteenth.

  9. On March 7, 2019, Judge T.S. Ellis, calling the sentencing guidelines "excessive," sentenced Manafort to 47 months in prison, stating that Manafort had "lived an otherwise blameless life." Manafort will be sentenced on his DC District Court convictions on March 13, facing a maximum sentence of ten years.

    I don't recall how much he had to forfeit, but will look it up.

    1. $47 Million in funds and properties, including his Trump Tower condo.

  10. I find myself thinking about a Bernie/Stacey Abrams ticket; probably ain't gonna happen, but a fellow can dream...

  11. That judge is nuts. In no way shape or form has Manafort "lived an otherwise blameless life". Heck, he kept on committing crimes even *after* he made a plea deal. He's a crook right down to his bone marrow and I don't know WHAT that judge could have been thinking! I'm seeing LOTS of outrage over on Facebook. LOTS of it!

  12. No sooner get the google prob fixed than earthlink goes down, lol!
