Sunday, December 23, 2018

Deck the Halls


  1. The 1950s Holiday Classic ["Green Christmas"]You Won't Hear at the Mall This Year [Click] The sidebar links to “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch” and “Jingle Bells” lead to a lot of interesting holiday-related music essays.

  2. I am in the midst of restoring and updating software for our desktop computer; our old software worked well for a long time, but several programs don't work on anything resembling current operating systems. I am sure I saved a lot of trouble by not updating every time new versions came along and

  3. Hallo Dear Ones. We had VT*Grand here for a couple nights and I got behind (but we had a blast!!). I hope to be back with you more fully soon. I especially want to catch up with the stories here of the last few days. Soon! Meanwhile, may you all have a beautiful Christmas Eve Eve! ✨🎄🌟

  4. The news out of Washington is such that it occurs to me to wonder if the White House band has yet begun to play "Nearer My God to Thee."

    In the meantime, we have decorated our Christmas tree. It's not red.

    1. It wouldn't surprise me. They're certainly rearranging the deckchairs with a vengeance.

  5. Thanks, Cat! That's Root*Center*Son's house. He has excellent taste.
