Friday, November 09, 2018

Ferns Alight


  1. Replies
    1. I signed a couple such petitions yesterday. But the more, the better.

  2. "Have you heard of Murphy's Law?"
    "No. What is it?"
    "If something can go wrong, it will go wrong."
    "Right. Have you heard of Cole's Law?"
    "No. What is it?"
    "Thinly sliced cabbage."

    1. LOL I'm sorry to say I walked right into that one.

  3. als-real-reason-for-trump-confrontation-with-acosta-after-wh-aides-are-quoted-saying-this-is-going-to-be-fun/?fbclid=IwAR0vg3RVNLlDULBI9BPHfEpcV4ZhhAnCgF0aNPVR1N1Gi_w-59AUnsX_aro

    So, it turns out that the whole Acosta Mic grab was a pre-planned stunt.

    "Source Reveals Real Reason For Trump Confrontation With Acosta After WH Aides Are Quoted Saying “This Is Going To Be Fun”

  4. Half of white women continue to vote Republican. What's wrong with them? [Click] Hmmm….. ya think? The hypothesis sounds plausible to an old pinko white guy.

    1. I really think they want to be taken care of, so if they please their masters (men) they will be rewarded by having a home and material needs met without having to take care of business themselves. I also think that many of them are like a boss I once had. Those women believe that the weaker you are the more "feminine" you seem. She used to have me refill her stapler 'cause she just couldn't figure out how to do it. (The "little ole me?" syndrome). At bottom those women are lazy and too dumb to figure out that they're trading their safety for the right to do nothing while somebody else takes care of business. They don't want to be "manly" or "strong", they want to be delicate little flowers.

    2. Well, Lysistrata was unusual in her time...

  5. Replies
    1. Difficult in Illinois. The legislature isn't going to voluntarily give up its powers to gerrymander and you can only get something on the ballot by petition if it affects nothing but the legislature's powers. Two attempts to craft something meeting that requirement have failed; the courts said they also affected other parts of state government. You could have an advisory referendum, I suppose, but the legislature would ignore it.

  6. Main line repaired. Repair guy assures me it should hold for a while. Pray it does.

  7. I was thinking it looked like there was a bit of smoke in the air today, maybe getting a little thicker as the day progressed. This evening I found a satellite photo of the western US, and it was clear the Central Valley was completely filled with smoke from the Camp Fire.

  8. Off to the SF Bay Area on the morrow, to visit with Naomi and do some shopping.

  9. Sis told me this afternoon that Justice Ginsburg had gone home from the hospital and was reported to be working from there..
