Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Daughter's House, perfected (double click)

Sorry this photography came out grainy.  But you get the idear.

     2017                                                 2018


  1. Yanno, I *know* that's right (I looked it up.) But it looks less right than before. Ah. Well.

    1. That may be because I had to darken it to cover the other one. The previous flag blended in better, being about the same fadedness as the one on the front stoop. Ah well.

    2. More to do with which way it seems to be facing. . . . Just *feels* wrong. Prolly jus me.

  2. I looked it up too; never knew that. Another good reason to fly the Anarcho-Syndicalist flag; you can fly it any way you darn well please! Hmmm.... now I have to verify that the red triangle is on the staff side....yes, my mind isn't gone completely to rot just yet.


    1. I did know there was a right way and a wrong way, and truly ought to have double checked it before painting!

  3. Washington Is Turning Into Moscow [Click]

    Why Trump Supporters Believe He Is Not Corrupt [Click] “What the president’s supporters fear most isn’t the corruption of American law, but the corruption of [their idea of] America’s traditional identity.”

    The Most Damaging Thing That’s Happened to Trump[Click] “They know they are surrounded. They know the next push could come at any moment—or be days, weeks, or months off. But they know neither what the attack will look like nor from which side it will come.” Good reading!


  4. I do be loving this latest spate of links, Alan!!

  5. Glad you like them, listener. Here are some more I missed while I was at my art class! I must say that Trump does really seem to know how to run a muck.

    Trump Never Consulted McGahn on Hush Money Payments [Click]

    Trump Admits to Campaign Finance Crime By Mistake [Click] On TV!

    Cohen Paid $50K to Mysterious Tech Company [Click] And presumably Mueller knows who and for what.

    Trump Described as ‘Cornered’ and ‘Isolated’ [Click] Granted that this is from the "Failing NY Times," whose stock is up about 75% (I disremember the exact figure) since Trump took office.

  6. Why Michael Cohen Pleaded Guilty [Click] And even More fun! Mueller has the boss of the National Enquirer’s head in a vise too!

