Thursday, May 24, 2018

The Waterfall

Note the window in the stonework...

I took this photo from that front-most window above it...


  1. From the looks of this photograph[Click] I suppose that the mill was powered by some sort of turbines housed inside the stone structure in the creek bed rather than an undershot (or overshot, for that matter) waterwheel.


    1. "Power was furnished by four Tyler turbine water wheels manufactured by Edwards, Stevens and Company of Winooski Falls, Vermont, as were over 20 tons of shafting, pulleys and gears."

    2. Tyler Turbine[Click]

      Interesting that the earlier versions had water directed at the convex sides of the cup-shaped vanes, just the opposite of, for instance, the Pelton Wheel.


  2. ”This is RICO 101”[Click] “It’s exactly what Mueller has been doing his whole goddamn life. It’s just that this time the boss of the family happens to be the leader of the free world.”

    Democrats Propose Swapping Tax Cut for Teacher Salaries[Click]

    What To Make Of President Trump’s Letter to Kim Jong-un[Click] “Pathetic” does not do it justice. IMO.

    The Word That Derailed the Trump-Kim Summit
    [Click] “Libya.” Who could have known?

    Trump’s Reckoning Arrives[Click] “Gradually and then suddenly.” That was how one of Ernest Hemingway’s characters described the process of going bankrupt. The phrase applies vividly to the accumulating failures of President Trump’s foreign-policy initiatives.



    " This president is beseiged by investigations and all around this president from Scott Pruitt and cabinet secretaries who have already resigned – we see fantastic levels of corruption, the type of corruption we haven’t seen in this country going back a hundred years.

    And what’s increasingly clear, whether the target is James Comey, whether it’s Director Mueller the Special Counsel, the reality is that this president will burn everything to the ground to protect himself from this investigation moving closer to the Oval Office.

    Everything he’s doing is a strategy of incitement. He’s trying to harden & incite his base through the most deliberate, the intense misinformation campaign that this country has ever seen.

    This president is a serial liar. He is lying to the American people every day. He is making up things out of whole cloth. He is serially attacking vital institutions that are necessary to the security of the country.

    He will apparently stop at nothing.

    There is a second scandal and that is the complicity of the majority party – the Republicans in the Congress.

    The fact is that there is not one of them, not one who will stand up and say that we are a country of laws, that no one person is above the law, that these institutions are vital and necessary and objective objective truth matters.

    This is propaganda. This is what propaganda looks like. It’s what it smells like. We have never seen anything like it. What we’re seeing is an attack from within on vital institutions like person’s body would be attacked by a flesh-eating bacteria and it is unprecedented in America."

    1. This gets a standing ovation from Vermont!!!

  4. Whoo, I'm beat.

    Took lunch to my neighbour who wrenched her knee, and did her dishes while there talking with her. Dashed home for a spiritual guidance meeting and found a message that the clergy woman I was to meet with needed to postpone as she was at Vermont Respite House with a member of her church who was dying. She was, of course, in the right place, and it may have been what made the rest of the day possible for me. I took a nap while I therefore had unexpected time. Then I picked up my neighbour's little daughter from school, dropped her off at her house, checked on my neighbour, went to the hardware store, then back to pick up the little girl and her two older sisters and took them for ice cream cones. Back home in time for a little more childproofing before my 5 year old grandson and 2 2/3 year old granddaughter came for the evening. Made it!! Ha!

    Tomorrow is a day of oil painting (AT LAST!!!!) alternating with staining shingles for an outdoor siding project.

    Saturday we zoom to southern Vermont to meet dear friends who are visiting the area from Arizona. We'll visit Hildene together.

    Sunday is as yet unplanned. (Shhhh. Don't tell anyone!!)

    Monday is a very local (end of my road) parade. Wil will be in a sailing race, but Eldest is coming over with VT*Grand (age 10) for the parade.

  5. We are off to San Jose and environs tomorrow for Mother's/Father's Day dim sum with Naomi. Then some grocery shopping, and back home.

