Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Eve


  1. Howard's first at the end, and at the beginning. Goodbye old year.

  2. Alan, I'd say a Vanishing Point pen would be just right for New Year's Eve. :-)

    A very sobering thought, indeed! Thanks for all the great quotes…I am just now catching up.
    "Thar’s only two possibilities: Thar is life out there in the universe which is smarter than we are, or we’re the most intelligent life in the universe. Either way, it’s a mighty sobering thought."
    --Porky Pine

    We had family over on Wednesday night, so my day was filled with cleaning and cooking and prep, and it was all totally worth it! We got to see VT*Grandson and Littlest Granddaughter!!! :-D

    Got all my Thank-yous written, and tomorrow is my personal Boxing Day. Nice to end the year with everything done…

    …well, excepting for the new baby quilt for ME*Grandson due in February. ♡

    1. Sufficient unto the day are the quilts thereof. [He ducks.]


  3. Howard started something. Twelve years ago no one would have dreamed it was possible to raise big money on-line. Today I can tell it is the last day of the quarter by the number of fundraising emails I am getting from candidates.

    1. I'd say Dean For America didn't make the wave, but sure enough was the first campaign to catch it. First the digital computer, then the microchip, then the Internet, then social and political transformations. Heaven only knows where it is all leading, but there are at least some promising auguries. The monumental apparatus and associated staff needed to operate a national political party during the 20th Century appears obsolescent and quite possibly in a state of terminal decline. Fundraising would seem to be the first stronghold to fall. Politics might become rather more chaotic than we have been accustomed to, at least from time to time. Interesting times indeed.


  4. Going to get some ice cream and read for a while, so I may miss the big moment. If so, Happy New Year, everybody!

  5. I've been not responding to Bernie's e-mail requests to donate this evening, to see what might happen. They started out asking for $25, and have now dialed it down to $3. They also added the donations ticker they had three months ago. Reckon I'll send them some love; I was planning to do it, but at the last minute. It's approaching midnight back east now.


    1. I remembered the sixteen cents.


  6. Happy Happy New Year from the East coast! We already got into the New Year and it looks all shiny and good! ♥

  7. And it is now exactly midnight in the central time zone. A few fireworks booms to be heard, but not many. (IIUC, they're technically illegal.
