Thursday, August 13, 2015

Wedding Flower Girl…4 years ago today…newly age 2


  1. Utterly loverly!!

    (And Howard's nice, too.)

  2. listener—no, Joe Biden hasn’t declared. Two notes from

    Vice President Joe Biden “is using part of his vacation in South Carolina this week to sound out friends and family about a presidential bid, as some Democrats press him to enter the race and give the party another option in the face of lingering controversies involving Hillary Clinton,”

    “The Clinton campaign’s decision to give up the server and a thumb-drive containing back-up copies of emails left Democrats scratching their heads as to why the former secretary of State had resisted turning over the server for months. Coupled with new polls that suggest Clinton is vulnerable, Democrats are nearing full-on panic mode.”

    A little while ago I visited Bernie’s web site and there was lots of info about campaign swings past and planned. I visited HRC’s web site and there were ZERO reports of ANY campaigning. If she campaigns in secret she can’t expect much in the way of audiences, I think.


  3. Replies
    1. "Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"

      An excellent find indeed, listener. I'll have to think about it for a bit, but I may set up an automatic monthly contribution for Bernie. If or when I hear that he has gained access to the Democratic primary ballot in California I will re-register as a Democrat to vote for him.

      Mr. Biden has loads of character, and of course I won't completely agree with anyone. But he voted for the war on Iraq, and that alone is in my book reason enough not to vote for him. Nevertheless, I think he would be a positive addition to the field.


  4. Agreed, Alan. On all counts. :-)
