Thursday, April 30, 2015

Buh-Bye April!


  1. D E A N !!!

    And hallooooo Bernie Sanders!

  2. Yep to both comments.

    And I didn't mention that Penny bought her garden plants yesterday. Several different kinds of tomatoes, a tomatillo, a pepper plant, and a Japanese eggplant. We're going to have some good eating this summer!

  3. Wow. Great weather here for the next ten days!?
    Highs running 63-75F, Lows running 43-56F . . . !
    Can this really be Vermont? :-D

    Today I signed up to do mailings and some data entry at Sanders HQ! :-)

    1. Don't know how much I'll be able to actively help this time. Will I be able to get to Iowa? Or even to Wisconsin, as I did for Dean and Obama? Likely not, unless the Democratic Party of Oak Park gets behind Bernie as they did for Obama (but he was from Illinois). I've just been trying to add $50 to my previous $25 donation, but it doesn't seem to be going through. I suspect that, despite the clickable "contribute" links in Bernie's email, his ActBlue accounts isn't really set up yet.

    2. Bill, they were still setting up the website yesterday when I called. Maybe try again this evening.
