Sunday, February 22, 2015



  1. Howard's first this hot snowy afternoon.

  2. "hot snowy" almost seems a misnomer, but that it was really nice here too!

    "Fweep fweep, fweep fweep fweep, fweep fweep!"
    ~ Feb 22nd, 10:28am

    "In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love."
    ~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

    The Cardinal has began his Spring Song! grin emoticon

  3. The weather prediction for today and tomorrow was thundershowers; we had a little rain.

    I continue resting my germs; might do so tomorrow as well. Runny nose only lasted a day, but I feel like I've been hit by a Mack truck, and my sleeping pattern remains disturbed. Maybe it's time for a bit of movie therapy.


    1. Anytime is a good time for movie therapy. *grin*

      Hope you feel better soon, Alan.

  4. We had a lovely day here, bright with temps in the 40s. Funny how balmy that seems after single digits. Everything's relative.

  5. I recall reading in a book by someone who had travelled in Tibet that the temperatures would often rise noticeably when it snowed. When rain turns to ice, and to a lesser extent when water vapor turns to rain, heat is released during the phase transition. I suppose it would be most noticeable when the weather is already cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey…


  6. Finished the third volume in the Everneath trilogy. Very good and enjoyable of its kind.

    Suffering Nutella withdrawals, having finished the jar last night. Not to worry, more is on the way; I just didn't plan well enough to have the resupply in hand. I hear Nutella goes great with marshmallow fluff. So, off I zapped to Amazon. Sure enough they carry it, in variously sized containers. But when I tried to buy some, I was told that it is an add-on item, meaning it cannot be purchased on its own but it only ships with $25 (or more) worth of merchandise shipped from Amazon. Isn't that ridiculous? Not to say annoying as all get out.

    1. That really is pretty silly. Why should one item be different than another?
