Saturday, August 16, 2014


listener and family are gathering today to celebrate the life of Brother-in-Law John.


  1. Howard would be first, again! w0ot!!

    ♥ with listener as she goes about her day today.

    Bright, windy, and a bit warmer (and welcomed) today.

  2. Thank you so much, puddle!!

    It was quite an experience. We got there, and the service was indeed set up on the enclosed patio as promised. Actually, it was more like a diner in shape and affect...and we would all be sitting in booths. And even though they had cordoned off much of the patio, they began seating other people down the other end! Plus, the restaurant was unable to turn off the pop music or the "number 7, your order is ready" speakers...! So, we opted to all go outside and have the service in the parking lot, since we were at a side of the building where only our cars were. The restaurant is beside a salt marsh, so I stood with my back to the marsh, with the sun in my eyes, so the group could be looking out at the marsh, instead of at the parking lot and cars.
    It went fine from there. The family was sure no one wanted to speak, but 4 or 5 did, and I added something too.

    John's sisters thanked me, very sweetly. But my favourite comment came from my young adult nephew who said it was just right and "very John." We all agreed that the best part was doing it outside, since John was very outdoorsy, and just as we were reading together The Serenity Prayer a tour plane flew low overhead. :-)

  3. Well, good for you all,listener!

