Thursday, March 13, 2014

Chippy Channel


  1. At 8am it was 4F here and the snow measurement was 17.5"! It is still falling fast, though should lighten up in a few hours, ending around 10pm. I'm in that little circle of precip hanging over northern Vermont.

    But! The plow guy just came for the second time (Hallelujah!) and we just got a break of sunshine!!!

  2. It's about a quarter past ten. Has y our snow stopped yet, Listener?

    1. The sun came out just as I was getting to work. It was a gorgeous afternoon! Snow certainly brightens up the landscape! :-)

  3. It was mostly sunny here today and windy with a high of 23. According to the weather ap on my phone we're currently at 18 on our way down to a low of 10. Often by mid March it's so warm up here in my garret that I have to open the window, occasionally turn on the AC. Ahem.
