Thursday, February 27, 2014

Need a little Blue Sky?


  1. Replies
    1. Do you know anything about that blogger? Kind of hard to figure out exactly where he is coming from. The title of his blog implies he is conservative, but at the end he seems more pro-Netanyahu than anything else. Which would make his claim that Howard is supporting his position basically an alliance of convenience.

  2. Howard has been supporting MEK for several years now.

  3. MEK is a group of Iranians living in a refugee camps in Iraq. It's on the State Department's terrorist list. Howard wants it delisted.

  4. Oh, right. I know what you mean. Just hadn't seen the initials before. Thanks!

  5. Yesterday we had some real, actual rain; today was beautiful--warmish, blue sky and puffy white clouds. There is supposed to be another storm on the way. I wonder if we might have a "March miracle" this year. I find myself suddenly feeling less than well; hope it's a passing thing rather than prodromal symptoms. If I'm not feeling well in the morning I will keep my germs at home.

