Sunday, November 10, 2013

Panorama of Lake Champlain (note the geese)


  1. Dean is First and Deanland is beautiful!

    1. The three photos can be lain out beside each other making a full panorama.
      Let your eye guide you by placement of the big tree.

  2. Beautiful photos as always, listener.

    I found another "hard to find" book site that I had forgotten all about. I was reminded of it when sorting out papers (five year old papers!). No, I don't procrastinate. I just put things off. Entirely different don't you know.

    Anyway, it is

    1. Bookmarked it.


    2. Thanks, Susan! I checked it out, but I think most often the site with the most and best offers is:

  3. Two firsts tonight: we watched the first episode of Aaron Sorkin's show "Newsroom" and the first episode of the BBC's show "Rev". We liked both!

    The first episode of Newsroom takes place on the day of the BP disaster in the Gulf, and our son was soon called in to head up some Shorebird Recovery as a result of that spill. So it was fascinating to see how Aaron Sorkin addressed it.

    The show "Rev" is wonderfully faithful and irreverent.

    Two thumbs up!

    1. We rented Newsroom from the local video shop.

      We found Rev via Amazon video.

  4. Back from windycon a few hours ago. Everything went well, with lots of interest in what I was "selling" -- memberships in the 2015 Worldcon and the idea of taking the train there. Pretty tired, though, and will be heading to bed soon.

    Cat ~~ I am concerned about the prolonged bleeding. Although I don't recall the details and am too tired to look them up on the internet, I seem to recall that can be a sign of something serious. Plus, as Alan says, you can easily become anemic. If you don't want your dad to have to drive you, aren't there taxis?

    And continued best wishes to Angel.
