Friday, April 05, 2013


I almost used this last week for Good Friday.  It also works for Trinity...southwest style.  ;-)


  1. Howard's da bomb!

    Snowed some serious ice (going by the sound) last night, areas all around got about an inch. Can't see that we got any. Doesn't even look wet out there. And beginning a trend towards warm, for at least five days. Still no sign of the peepers!

  2. Opening night went okay. Could've been worse. Still having trouble hanging those dang words in the web, though.

  3. Hi guys!

    Except for a break for supper and then a couple of hours watching back-to-back episodes of Murder She Wrote, I have spent the entire afternoon and evening in Quizziland: taking Quiz Writer Tuneup quizzes and otherwise continuing my Quiziversity education and then working on quizzes of my own. I love it, especially working on my own quizzes, because I get to look all kinds of things up on the Inner Tubes. But, now that I pause for breath, it does occur to me to wonder if perhaps I'm taking it all a little too seriously? Ahem. OTOH it keeps my mind occupied, which surely is a good thing.

    Speaking of good things: I have discovered a series of books about one Lord Darsey. He is an investigator in an alternate history where the Plantagenets never lost the throne of England and indeed seem still to be ruling France as well, and where magic largely fills the place taken by technology in our world. They have some technology, for instance telephones, but nobody has worked out how to lay the cables across the Channel. The story I'm currently reading takes place in Anno Domini 1964, so naturally I'm feeling quite kindly toward the whole setup.

    1. The idea of the series seems interesting; do give us an opinion of how it works out. Omnibus copies from from 99 cents! Wikipedia articles.

      Work at hospital this weekend. Taxes calculated, but not written up neatly; that's the job for next week. To bed shortly.


      P.S.: Congrats, Renee!
