Sunday, February 03, 2013



  1. Howard's my guy. Likely always will be.

    Long and icky night. Back/knees/piriformis acting up again. Up from three to four waiting for new pain meds to kick in again. Did I mention that I'm damned tired of this? Am.

    1. I am sure you are very tired of it. Tell it it is being very naughty and needs to GO AWAY!

  2. Snowing again. I'm sure the farmers will be happy.

    1. And the sun came out around noon. What do you expect?

  3. I felt it was necessary to take time out of my busy schedule to address the way Fox's Glee blatantly plagiarized Jonathan Coulton's unique cover of Baby Got Back. The worst part was Fox's response of "Nyah nyah--you can't do anything about it. We're too busy and important and you are the "little people"!"

  4. Who or what is Fox's Glee? A Celtic band, perhaps?


  5. I think I may have overdone it with the tree pruning today--but with my luck I'll probably live. Got some muscles talking with me about it in the meantime, though.

    BTW, routine checkup with oncologist 1/31, and all is well. And I've lost ten pounds since January 7th. Which I have decided to celebrate with a dose of alpine herbal elixir. Even as I type. So there.


    1. Alan! How wonderful it is to hear that you and Ally had great news the same week!!

      I sure do love the word Remission!!!

  6. We had VT*Grand longer than usual, several phone calls with the kids, and Downton Abbey to watch this evening. So I haven't done much on computer today, and I started a 6 week class on Contemplative Prayer. But! Had to stop by to share this story.

    My daughter had to be in Salzburg last week and will be in Germany this week for work.

    "Just saw the Lindt factory from the train. I suppose it would be wrong to push the emergency stop button..."

    On the Saturday between (last evening), she snagged tickets to the Vienna Philharmonic performing in Salzburg...

    "At the Festspielhaus, awaiting the Vienna Philharmonic! They have us packed in tighter than economy on a regional jet, but this should be more memorable..."

    "My attempt to blend in and not stand out (despite the average here being roughly 92) as an obvious American was shattered during a lovely Wagner piece when the woman sitting in front of me had a seizure...which no one else around her seemed to notice, despite the fact she was naturally I climbed over the elderly gentleman next to me, clattered down the stairs to alert the ushers and proceeded to clear her airway with a few available napkins. I got several dirty looks and raised eyebrows. :-)"

    "Well in all fairness most people had no clue what was going on; a few people actually came up and said nice things after the concert. The Austrians are very nice and I've met other interesting travelers from all over Europe this weekend...sad to be leaving in the morning."

    I guess you could say it was memorable! I responded "Hurrah for EMTs without borders!" 'Though, truth be told, she was so busy with her day job that she stopped doing EMT work years ago. This Mom is pretty darn proud of her daughter tonight.

  7. Renee...I see you've started a draft. Feel free to pre-empt any time. Simply change my scheduled photos to the following date. All good.
