Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Three in One

At the suggestion of our Town Clerk, on Monday I entered this photo in the Champlain Valley Fair's "Photography: Flowers" division.  This large, regional, agricultural Fair runs Aug. 25th - Sept. 3rd.


  1. Howard Dean and Jessica my Town Clerk are First!

    1. What's so amazing about Jessica is that she recommended that I enter my photo even though she also has a rose photoneutered in that same category!

    2. Wow!

      photoneutered = photo entered


      iPhones are nothing if not crazy creative! LOL!

  2. You'd think the choice would at *least* be a real word, lol!

    Hope you hear soon about if you're running or not. . . . BTW, if you're ON the ballot, does that mean you can't *count* ballots?

    And she's right about the picture: it should win prizes!!

    I had a teacher in grad school who used to say that there's nothing as nervous as mediocrity. That great competence/talent/intelligence wants nothing more than company, and encourages it all around them. I'd guess she's a dang good photographer!

    1. Good luck, listener!

      And Puddle's right. It really isn't remarkable that your town clerk encouraged you to enter t he contest. Nice people want to share what they're doing, even if that is entering a contest.

  3. The uproar about Akin's comments/stupidity on the part of the right wing has rather surprised me; but here's a plausible explanation--it is a psychoanalytical test:

    Photoneutered sure sounds like it OUGHT to be a perfectly good word. But what exactly it should mean is not clear... I was wondering if it might mean the color spectrum was narrowed?

    1. Maybe it means a blank photograph. ;)

    2. Oh, and the uproar on the right is just because he's exposed how they *really* feel. Now they're all "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain".

    3. But, Susan, that makes it even more inexplicable to me that women buy into the RW. Yes, I know there are stupid women. IMO there's nothing stupider or more pathetic than a stupid woman. And I gather there are women who don't think very highly of women, hard though that is for me to grok. But that still leaves me mystified at how so many can buy the RW's bill of goods.

    4. Sadly there are enough women who believe women must be a doormat (the flatter the better) to get by in the world. The Duggars, the 19 and counting children couple, she is a major subscriber to the "husband is the head of the household" crud and let's him make EVERY decision. I can't remember the title, but I know there is at least one big book by a right-wing religious woman that instructs women on how to pamper and defer to their husband for a successful marriage. No advice for the husband, nope, just wife be a doormat. I have actually heard conservative women say "women need to know their place", except their place is seen as under a male dominion. No freakin' thank you!

    5. Susan, You'd think they'd all just love the Taliban then. :P It's sickening!

  4. I was reading another column with the thesis that the GOP is becoming frantic and irrational because it is dawning on them that the White Protestant vote they have long relied upon is becoming small enough (through demographic changes and aging) that they need another block of voters they can rely upon--and they have not been able to find one.

    On a lighter note, a hurricane may strike Tampa during the GOP convention.


    P.S.: I was able to sleep pretty well last night. Might use the Norco for that a couple more nights; will see.

    1. LMAO Alan. You *are* wicked.

      Unfortunately, a friend of mine just moved a few miles away from Tampa; so, I really don't want a hurricane in that area. She's a sweet girl, and I don't want her flooded out or whatnot.

  5. Alan, your surgically accurate dry humour makes my day!
    Yes, I do believe that "photoneutering" would involve a narrowing of spectrum.
    Sounds like the GOP might have some hot air competition. A hundred years ago or so people would have called it "a Judgment on them," but I give God kinder credit than that. These days people would call it "bad karma." Same concept, different theology. I'd say it's more a case of the rain falling on the just and the unjust.

    1. Reaping what they sow, you mean? Indeed.

      I'm reminded of a song that ends with these lines:

      And as you sow, so shall you reap, dear
      And what you reap's gonna make you weep
      Someday sweetheart

  6. BTW, I'm starting to think of you as Al-Anon. ;-)

  7. puddle... Still no word about the outcome of the Caucus. I've now sent an inquiry, as the Town Clerk needs to know so she can get the ballots printed. Her photo is called Rumi's I'm super curious to see it!

  8. BTW, Vermont's Justices of the Peace count the absentee ballots and are present for the counting, often doing the counting. Others running may not count ballots, but as it is a particular duty of the JPs, there is a provision in the law. All ballots must be counted by TWO persons representing different parties.

    1. All bags of ballots are then signed by those who counted them!

    2. Newsflash!

      It's all good news.
      My name is on the ballot.
      It is one of 12 Dem names (which will, I assume, be accompanied by 12 Repub names, and possibly various Indiets and Greens, etc), so I have probably a 40% chance of being elected.
      Something about not running I opposed makes me really happy. Real Democracy, y'know?

    3. (They may eat whatever they like.)

    4. I opposed = unopposed

      I gotta quit blogging by iPhone!

  9. My mom was often a poll watcher and a judge. From her I learned the American voter's propensity for voting the first name(s) on the ballot. (She used to come home *screaming* about it, lol!)

    Nice to have been trusted this far; hope it continues. As for Howard: it's a bit classier than Dog Catcher, eh?

    In Merle's Door there's a funny section where the county dog catcher makes a point of descending on this town which has been exempt from leash laws because it's inside a National Park, and arresting all the local dogs. Merle, the unofficial Mayor side steps him for months, years. When he finally gets caught, the dog catcher, saluting his status takes him home. . . . Sweet story.

  10. My new reading machine is being ordered as we speak. Hurray!!!

    1. Oh, yay!! And happy journey!!

    2. Thanks, ladies. I can't tell you how exciting it is to know that in a few short days, I'll have access to printed matter again!

  11. Cat--of course I'm wicked--that's why I get no rest! Glad people are amused by some of my contributions--I don't know that they were intentionally humorous.

    Well, off to bed now. Left leg still aches, but I can easily, safely, and painlessly stand on either leg, and walk naturally. With temporary help from the Norco I should recover in a few days. If it still seems pretty bad next week, I will see a medico about it. I probably injured myself with over-vigorous DIY shiatsu, and will avoid that.

    Naomi got back from Japan this afternoon.

    We got a more or less free upgrade to HDTV via Dish Network. Very clear and bright.

    Weather a bit less hot here of late--'round about 100 degrees high temp.
