Tuesday, September 21, 2010

There it goes: Last Full Day of Summer


  1. Howie's certainly first on first or last day of summer, spring, winter, fall. . . .

  2. Googled this search string [copy video files from DVD to mpg format how?]:


    Got lots of hits on how to do it. HTH

  3. Son*in*ME, who has been in the Gulf of Mexico since last week, gets HOME tomorrow! Hurrah!!
    We're heading over on the weekend; can't wait to hear about his adventures.

    Meanwhile, I have three days of work ahead, as a coworker is away.
    Will check in as I am able; photos are set to post until after I'm back! :-)

  4. Beautiful, warm, sweet last day of summer day. . . . Life is *good.*

  5. That said, I'd give a *lot* for a big ugly wet and loud thunderstorm. . . .

  6. Ooh, thanks. Didn't think of googling to find out. Guess I'm not fully in the digital age yet.

  7. The funniest thing just happened.

    I've been waiting for a big box of Engelbert records from England. It hasn't come and hasn't come, and I'd started to get a little concerned. So, I check my mail just now and find a message from the seller. Due to a glitch in their software, they accidentally sent my order to another customer with the same last name in the same zip code. That customer, no doubt somewhat bemused, contacted them to find out what was going on. They said they'd send the box on to me by priority mail as soon as they got it back. It all strikes me as very entertaining, only I hope none of the records get damaged in all the toing and froing.

  8. Tanner update ~~

    Today was great, until Tanner noticed something was wrong with Noah's frog :-( Yep, he was dead... there were quite a few tears shed, surprisingly by Tanner and not Noah. Noah on the other hand wants to dissect it. Tanner flipped out "don't cut it!!!" ahhhhhhh

  9. Sure seems like the wrong way 'round. To think you could just drive over and get the box, but it's gotta go back to England, and come back again. . . . Wonder if computers *really* make our lives easier, lol!

  10. Yeah, it seems kind'a bass ackwrds, doesn't it?

  11. I'm totally with Tanner on this one. EEK!

  12. Me, too, lol! I can see, too, that cutting, given his history, would be beyond. . . .
