Saturday, September 18, 2010

Happy birthday, puddle! PARTY ON!!!!!!!

Hope it's a good one!


  1. I think Howard would agree that Puddle is first today.

  2. Woo hoo, puddle! Happy Birthday and many, many more.

  3. Thanks guys! Still thinking about this one. And wondering how I got to be 70 when I wuzn't lookin'. . . . .

  4. It's not what the calendar says, but how you feel.

    Of course, most of the time I feel about a hundred and twelve, so it cuts both ways.

  5. Ach! Now I feel like a rat. Sis just came in to ask if I would watch Dead Poets Society with her, and I said no. I never say no. Whatever she wants to watch, I just about always go along. But, I really didn't think I could handle DPS right now. Does that make me a terrible person? Especially since earlier this afternoon she actually watched an Engelbert video. Never thought I'd see the day! But I posted a concert version of "My Way" with the comment that IMO he leaves Sinatra in the dust. Sis actually conceded that Engelbert "isn't bad at all," high praise from her, but said she still likes Sinatra's version the best. Well, she's 'entitled to her opinion, misguided though I may think it. The main thing is, she gave Engelbert a chance. And now I've turned her down to watch the movie she wants to watch. Yep, I'm definitely a terrible person.

    Mind you, I don't feel guilty enough to watch the movie...

  6. Never seen it, so can't vote on your wisdom, but standing up for what you want every now and again just feels so damn gooooooooooooooooooood!!!

  7. This is totally off topic and unrelated to anything, but ....

    Today as I was cleaning the bathroom I suddenly realized that every single house I've ever lived in has had one or both sides of the toilet so close to a wall or tub that you have to be a contortionist to clean it. (Wow, that's a long sentence!)

    I wonder why they do that? Architects and builders, I mean.

  8. Easy. Architects and builders don't clean toilets. Up to now anyways.

  9. It's related to that wrinkled surface for refrigerator doors, that make it twice as hard to clean. . . .

  10. Spot on, puddle! LOL!

  11. Be sure to refresh the front page. :-)

  12. Is DPS on TV or did she rent it?

  13. Oh, Julie, I think you would love DPS. It was originally rated R due to subject matter, but has since been rerated PG. Robin Williams has a serious role and does it quite well. It may have been his first serious role.

  14. Oh, puddle, I think you would love DPS. It was originally rated R due to subject matter, but was later rerated PG. I think it was Robin Williams' first serious role, and he did it quite well.

  15. Absolutely!! ♥

  16. listener, checking your link from last night: now has 8 comments, one from this afternoon. . . . Maybe they don't *like* yours? :(

  17. [Dang! Another accidental delete!]

    I figured out what you were referring to! LOL!
    (Gosh, last night was a looong time ago!)

    I suspect that I'm the only newbie and the moderation must wait until Monday.
    Anyway, here's what I posted:

    VT Grammie says:
    September 17, 2010 at 11:49 pm
    Instead of connecting with businesses outside Vermont, the Lt. Gov. ought to be connecting with businesses inside Vermont. We don’t need to outsource jobs, we need to create jobs and sustain and support the jobs we have. We were told that Jim = Jobs but that was just cruel rhetoric. I don’t want more of the same old story. I co-own a small business and pay 100% of my insurance premium, which has gone up nearly 20% in one year. How about some help for the little guy?

  18. •°´♡`°¤,¸¸.•°´'`°¤,¸♡¸.•°´'`°¤,¸¸.•°´♡`°¤,¸¸.•°´'`°¤,¸♡¸.•°´'`°¤,¸¸.•°´♡`°¤,¸¸.•

    Okay! I have my bowl of Coffee Heath Bar Crunch here, and with my spoon raised,
    I'm ready to PARTY ON!!!

    {{{ {{ { ♥ Here's to you, puddle ♥ } }} }}}



    Congratulations on reaching "three score and ten"!!!!!!!


  19. Ally update at baby. . . .

    listener, the pictures didn't come through. If you could send them again, one at a time, I could update the post.

  20. I hear you, Susan. ♥
    We have a saying around our house:
    "The one who scrubs the toilet gets into heaven first."
    And you have hit upon why! LOL!

    Still, any porcelain convenience is preferable to the outdoor version. ;-)

  21. Will do. There's only one photo.

  22. Just sent you a special email, puddle.
    Happy Birthday! ♥

  23. Okay, I think it's time for a rousing rendition of that special tune...READY???

    ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪
    Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday dear puddle! (everybody sing)...
    ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪

  24. Sooo, puddle, what be some of your fave dance tunes down through the years?

    ......................................... o ............ o
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    ..................=.....= ...............= .......=

  25. puddle, you know how little kids hold up fingers to show their age when somebody asks? After a certain age, if they ask, you only need to hold up one finger (and I'll bet you can guess which one). ;)

  26. WoooOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooOooOoOt!
    ..........._|.The puddle..|.|.|___|'''''''70""'"|♥|[(<
    ............( + ).....( + ).....( + )( + )( + )( + )..\

  27. Christine O'Donnell cancels tomorrow's appearances on Face the Nation and Fox News
    after it is revealed she dabbled in witchcraft.

  28. She owns it. I think this incarnation is a DVD. She wore out the VHS.

    Yes, it's a fine movie, and Robin Williams is splendid in it. I just wasn't in the mood for teenage angst.

  29. Well, I for one wouldn't want to be out in the middle of nowhere.

  30. OMG, is there no end to these loons? And I'll bet it was *not* Wicca she was into, but the voodoo-type stuff.

  31. Yup. "Satanic Altar" indeed! What a mess of a person.

  32. Funny, it *showed* two. One wouldn't download AT ALL, and the other would only halfway. So somehow it duplicated itself, sort of, in flight. . . .


  33. Yeah, you do have to be in the mood for it...!

  34. Even with an Outhouse in the middle of somewhere, it's not so pleasant.

  35. {{{ ::: ROFLMEO!!! ::: }}}

  36. Right. My good friend and coworker is Wiccan and definitely does not use a Satanic altar!

  37. Goodness knows you've earned it, puddle!!!
    I should have done that long ago.

    Just be sure to proof if I haven't already.
    Guard names and the names of medications...and certain places.
    Thanks so much! ♥
