Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Beautiful Day (have one!)


  1. I suppose it wasn't *all* bad. Now I know I could save some money just by eating a veggie sandwich. Tasted fine to me. Prolly better for me (calorie-wise) too.


  2. Well, I'm safe. I don't *have* a microwave, lol!

  3. 52 degrees here and we just had a mini thunderstorm: two big peals of thunder. LOL!

    Now it's raining and that sounds a little icy.
    Not possible is it?

  4. Nuking it prob'ly killed any germs anyway.

    I think your version of a vegie Big Mac sound scrumptious. Unfortunately, Dad never has any alfalfa sprouts, so I can't try it too. I usually just have a veggie cheeseburger.

  5. Poor UPS guy. . . . when I told him that Nancy was not me. That Nancy lives UP that hill. Yessir, THAT hill. I promised him he could make it. Clearly he thought not. But gamely went up. And came down. Do I look like a liar, lol!?

  6. The 'nets have been sooooooooooo slow all afternoon (disconnected/reconnected numerous times trying to get a faster line), that I finally decided to reboot. At which point I discovered that Micro$oft had been downloading patches on me all afternoon. . . . 8 so far. At least there's an actual reason. . . .

    Hope Alan's okay, and that Bill's having a wunnerful time!

  7. R.I.P. Edwin Newman

  8. What's "downloading patches" ?

  9. He'll never doubt you again. :-D

  10. {{{ {{ Awwww...sad to see him go...though glad to see he lived to 91. }} }}}
    Every time one of our good ol' icons dies I feel that much older. Y'know?

  11. If you don't sign up for "updates" your computer harasses the chit outta you. If you do, they download them at their leisure: i.e., when you're online, using the machine. They call the patches (fixes for screwed up programming) "updates". . . .

  12. And, half the time, the act of downloading these updates screws up whatever you're doing.

    And, you always have to restart the computer when the updates finish downloading and installing.

    You are lucky to be a Mac user, listener!

  13. Funny, that got me thinking about my relatively brief correspondence with Scotty Reston. He'd taken an Amtrak trip, and had written to customer service about it. Luck of the draw, I got the letter. I didn't know who he was, but the writing was outstanding, and I thanked him, and complimented him on his "picaresque" tale. He was evidently charmed that some no name in customer service knew the word and wrote back to tell me so. We wrote back and forth for several months; me on Amtrak stationery, he, on his own. It wasn't till nearly the end of it that I finally realized who he was. And foolish me, that I didn't steal the correspondence from my employer, who didn't care about it at all. I did. He was a lovely, funny, kind man.

  14. Oh, we get them too. Generally from Firefox and Adobe and whatnot.
    But I have to make most of those wait until I can get enough photos off my hard drive
    to free up space sufficient to accept the various downloads.

    I really need to dedicate a day to moving stuff around and making room!

  15. What a wonderful memory, puddle! Thanks for telling us of it. ♥

  16. That would drive me batty, puddle. I'm always telling stuff like that to wait for the sake of my convenience. If you click for details about what they want to download, half of it is stuff you'll never use anyway and you can uncheck those options. I only ever always say yes to very basic, necessary changes. I never want my toolbar messed with!

  17. Alas, Micro$oft doesn't offer that option. You can either let them do as they wish, or let your computer notify you endlessly that you're in danger because you're not automatically updating. . . . Decided, on the whole, this was *less grief* ~~ usually.
