Thursday, July 22, 2010


I'm betting Catreona will like this. =^. .^=


  1. If you heard that Howard was first, you heard correctly. . . .


  2. Checked out a couple of Englebert H. videos on YouTube; definitely remember "Please Release Me, Let Me Go;" that was a big hit. Like "Purple People Eater," but held up longer. By and large not my cuppa--probably due to social conditioning of one sort or another. I had a (perhaps mistaken) impression he was one of those typical Las Vegas casino hacks. I didn't like what Elvis turned into, but I sure remember what a bombshell he was early in his career. And how about Buddy Holly? Either one of them blows that Jones fellow away from what I could see. De gustibus non est disputandum, eh?

  3. BACK! =Whew!=

    We had a sudden, very violent storm this afternoon that included thunder, lightning, 1.24" hail, many downed and uprooted trees (some quite large), and loss of power for 7 hours. A long 8" diameter section of a neighbour's tree fell into our yard and busted a slat in our fence on the way by. Another neighbour's 30 year old Basswood tree was uprooted and fell across a side road. Two other trees fell across our main road here, and one landed on the power lines. A nearby transformer blew. The fire department was here to close off the road. We were very glad to see the crews for electricity and internet arrive. Had two more storms afterward too.

    Around 3pm I checked the radar and saw that the same storm cell that had sparked a tornado warning near Malone NY (near the Canadian border) was headed for a friend's house north of here. So I called to warn her. Then I got into the car to go by our littlest granddaughter a birthday gift. I got one mile when it became evident that the storm had strengthened and turned! My Mini Cooper and I took refuge under the overhang at a gas station (finally a use for a gas station!) until the hail was done. So many roads were blocked and so much of the power was out that I just went home (and was glad I could get there).

    It was WILD!!

  4. Well, I'm still puzzled by your reaction to Tom, but am pleased that you've realized the error of your ways where Engelbert is concerned.

    Yeah, "Release Me" was a big hit, his first number one, in fact. Engelbert is the only British artist to have kept the Beatles out of the number one position. IIUC he's the only British artist to have had a number one during their reign. No, definitely not just another Las Vegas hack!

  5. So glad you're safe, listener! ♥

    We had tornado and severe thunderstorm warnings all yesterday afternoon and evening. Fortunately, though, the bad weather missed us, going IIRC to the west. It didn't occur to me that it or a similar storm was headed your way. It sounds very scary. *hug*

  6. Bill Thomasson7/22/2010 12:14:00 PM

    That's the sort of story that's exciting in retrospect. The sort you'll be telling your friends and grandchildren for year!

  7. Cute Ally picture at baby!!

  8. Bill Thomasson7/22/2010 02:32:00 PM

    BTW, does anyone know why the comments page comes up without the usual navigation arrows? Having no "back" arrows means that after lighting a candle I have to close the window and reopen comments from the main page.

  9. I *have* navigation arrows on this page. But I also right click and open in a new tab or window when I want to do a link.

  10. That was me ~~ used my CCleaner, and am having to log in again every where I go. I *want* to clear my cookies, but not my signed in ones, and no way to separate them, ack!

  11. Bill, I have the same problem, no toolbar at all and have to close and start over after lighting a candle. Eventually I figured out what Monica(?) said. Right click on the link and open it in a new window. Then just close the new window.

    Puddle, I have that problem too. Hate having to log in all the time everywhere! Some perma-log-ins seem to take but not others. I haven't worked out the difference, but am grateful to have some at least.

  12. Oops. Guest is Puddle. Duh.

  13. Lol! Don't worry about it ~~ even *I* think "guest" is someone I don't know, grin. . . .

  14. I also discovered that refusing to accept 3rd party cookies was what was keeping me "logged out" on my blog page. If I hit log in or the B on the left, it would take me to the "pick what you want to do page" but I couldn't go directly from front page to new post. And all my pencils were gone. . . . When I reinstated 3rd party cookies, it fixed itself.

  15. Bill Thomasson7/22/2010 05:50:00 PM

    Ah! Right-click. That's the trick.

    I don't worry about cookies because trying to clear them simply creates too many problems.

  16. Yeah, theoretically you have a choice about stuff like cookies, but realistically, it's go along or go home. I used to get angry about it. But, life isn't long enough.

  17. See my reply to Puddle above.

  18. It was rather exciting at the time, too, Bill~! LOL!

  19. Bill Thomasson7/22/2010 09:13:00 PM

    Cat ~

    That's what I was actually replying to. Looks like the post ended up in the wrong place, probably because I clicked wrong.

  20. Random fact: Sinatra was awarded 31 gold records, nine platinum albums.

  21. grapskidefense7/22/2010 09:34:00 PM

    Grapski Defense URGENT ACTION Charlie is supposed to be speeking at DemocracyFest/NetrootsNation. He was supposed to fly to Vegas today. He is allowed to work but the Prosecutor (Fleck) has objected barring his participation. Update will follow. For now please email State Attorney Cervone (cervonew@SAO8.ORG) demanding that Charlie be ...allowed to work (for democracy) copy ( Time is of the essence. Its a start

    More to follow - as soon as a journalist finishes a story. But its not too late to impact the Court so he can get there even if not tonight.

  22. grapskidefense7/22/2010 09:38:00 PM

    We should have also alerted you to a fact but we were caught by surprise and didn't know what was happening or to do. But Charlie was in the Emergency Room last weekend with something related to his kidney failure when they almost killed him in jail couple years ago. So he's been fighting on all fronts and none of us can really slow him down. He also had his Federal Civil Rights suit, the first of many, filed in Court this Monday for what they have been doing to him.

  23. Bill, it's really tricky. Sometimes I think I've clicked to reply to a reply, and my comment goes out of order in the reply list or in a new comment entirely. This is a good system, but of course not flawless.

  24. Is this e-mail correct? Should it really have an 8 in it? I don't want my message to bounce.

  25. Cat, the email seems to be correct (shows up on google that way).

  26. Thanks, Puddle.

    Err, what did you say? I mean, what should I say? Would something as stark as "Please allow Charlie Grapski to travel to DemocracyFest" do?

  27. Where's listener?

    We need to let Donna know about this...

  28. I think it would. Also that he's been an integral part of it since it's beginning.

  29. Bill Thomasson7/22/2010 11:39:00 PM

    I thought the word at the time would have been "scary." [grin]

  30. Well, I sent it. Left out the part about his being an integral part since the beginning, oops. Here's what I said:

    Mr. cervone,

    I have known Charlie Grapski for several years, and can affirm that he is a serious person, committed to democracy in general and our country in particular. Therefore, I believe that it would be benefitial both to Mr. Grapski and to the participants in DemocracyFest if he were able to attend the conference. Please allow him to do so.

    Thank you,

  31. Nicely done, Cat!

  32. Thanks. I always get so nervous doing this sort of thing... The positive reinforcement is much appreciated.

  33. A Facebook friend posted this in response to the above.

    Jonathan Vos Post
    Almost all countries follow variations of the RIAA certification categories, which are named after the precious materials gold, platinum and diamond. Silver is also used in some countries. The number of sales required for these awards varies depending on the population of the territory in which the album is released. Normally they are awarded only ... See Moreto albums released at least nationally and are awarded individually for each country in which the album is sold. Additionally, different sales levels may exist for different music media, such as albums, singles, or videos.

    Originally applied to LP records, certification is now most commonly awarded for compact disc sales. Certification is usually awarded cumulatively, and it is possible for a single album to be certified silver, gold, and platinum in turn. An album that becomes platinum at least twice over is said to be "multi platinum". Artists can also become multi-platinum sellers if they have at least two albums in the same territory both going single platinum.

    A poor selling record is often said to have jokingly "Sold Wood", in contrast to attaining high status as a gold or platinum album.

  34. I'm here. Thanks for your note, Cat.

    I have been wondering if it would come to this. Can Charlie send a video presentation to be played (perhaps nonstop) at Deanfest? It sounds as if it might be better for him not to have to travel, physically speaking. Nonetheless, I think he shouldn't be barred from going. That is just so stupid. I am beginning to actually hate Florida and all it represents.

  35. Here's what I just sent:

    Dear State Attorney Cervone,

    Several years ago I had the good fortune to attend a workshop at which Charlie Grapski presented. He was knowledgeable and helpful, both in his teaching style and his responses to questions posed. In particular I felt I learned a great deal about constitutional law and how our forefathers intended elections to be conducted.

    This week, Mr. Grapski is again slated to present at a gathering at DemocracyFest. While I understand the state feels a need to restrict Mr. Grapski’s movements, it would not be good public relations for Florida to preclude him from presenting at a gathering that is expecting him. Please do not leave a bad taste in so many people’s mouths. Please allow Charlie Grapski to attend DemocracyFest for the purpose of fulfilling the request made for his workshop.


  36. Yeah, definitely!
