Sunday, May 02, 2010

Ahhh, Sunday in Vermont...


  1. donna in evanston5/02/2010 12:23:00 AM

    OK. Dean is first and all that, but my new condo is pretty close. I have a one bedroom in a new building with a gorgeous view of downtown Chicago. I can even see a bit of Lake Michigan from my tenth floor.

    I am so relieved and happy to be here. I moved in yesterday and friends have helped me unpack. Of course I am still surrounded by boxes but I can see the floor.

    Sydney and Sparky (my dog and cat) were delivered here this afternoon after spending the past few days at ex-hubby's apartment. So far so good.

    Very tired. And the next few days will be busy too. But at last I am here. 8-)

  2. Hey all. Haven't found puddle's number yet, but just thought of a new place to look. Will try again. I'm hoping she has just had her electric down and is on the phone with her Honey.

    ♥ donna!! ♥ AWESOME!!! I love thinking of you there and happy!!!

  3. On Sunday we're headed to NH for a memorial service for our friend Jack. He was diagnosed in late February with a glioblastoma (brain tumor like Ted Kennedy's but inoperable). He turned 63 in late March. Tuesday morning, he died. It's supposed to be 88 degrees there, with thunderstorms for the drive home.

    Say a prayer or send a vibe for us...and for Pat, his wife and their 5 (grown) children. And thanks! ♥

  4. Yayyyy! Just found puddle's phone number!!

    I'll call tomorrow if I can or Monday for sure. We leave for NH first thing and I don't know that I'll be able to get good reception in VT on my cell phone in a moving car, given the mountains. Thunderstorms expected too. We'll see. We never have short conversations! LOL!

  5. Hey, what's this stuff about snow and temps in the eighties back east there? Gadzooks!

    Little ones can suddenly get such high temperatures--thank goodness for antibiotics. In the old days cook baths were about all that could be done--but it still works.

    I sent a sarcastic e-mail to the White House about offshore oil drilling (quoting the prez about how it hardly ever has any problems) and nuclear power are so safe. (I think the nuclear waste repository in Nevada remains the best, or least-bad, solution to said stuff. Having it scattered all over the country in temporary storage just isn't going to be good.) Ah well, politics trumps good sense. I fear that Obama has fallen into much the same trap with respect to Afghanistan that LBJ did with respect to Viet Nam, and that his domestic initiatives will suffer in the same way. I was reflecting that supplying U.S. troops in Viet Nam was a whole lot easier than in Afghanistan. Ah, well. A little bit more absinthe, and to bed.

  6. I voted for Obama knowing he wasn't a progressive, but I'm still feeling really betrayed at how he's given away, or weakened, or denied most of the campaign promises he made. He's turning out to be the best Republican president we ever had, and that ain't good. It's still Corporations uber alles.

    I tend toward the pessimistic and I don't see how we're ever going to get a true democracy functioning again. Right now we're living in a country that lives by the Golden Rule (those who have the gold make the rules). That sure leaves the majority of us out in the cold and voiceless.

  7. Susan--I have been listening to a biography of LBJ, and author makes the point repeatedly about how the functioning of our country had/has changed so dramatically in the past century. Things are much more monarchical, perhaps even imperial. I have come to the conclusion that Gene Debs was right--better to vote for what you want and not get it than to vote for what you don't want and get it. I still assiduously vote and I voice my opinion to public officials from time to time, but I am not sanguine about the results. The Dems long ago sold out the folks in our congressional district--we're not worth their trouble. Howard's plan to run Dems everywhere never reached this far.

  8. Good news, Donna!

  9. Today's forecast high is 97, which seems excessive for May 2.

  10. ARG!!! I was happily taking The Nerd Test 2.0, when i accidentally closed the browser window. What a klutz!!!

  11. OTOH I took the original Nerd Test again earlier in the afternoon and my result said that 16% of people are nerdier than I am. That pleased me. Didn't expect to do nearly that well.

  12. We're home safely from Jack's memorial service.

    It was beautiful, unconventional and memorable.

    I am definitely calling puddle tomorrow!!!

  13. Did it get that high??

  14. Keep wanting to go out to sing karaoke, but somehow it just hasn't been in the cards. So I've been playing around with an online karaoke recorder. Not enough that I've achieved perfection, but enough that I've decided I can share this here without too much embarrassment. ;)

  15. Hi Alan!

    Yeah, we had Spring, Winter and Summer all in just one week!

  16. I got our new karaoke machine set up recently; it has a scoring function--I suppose it is some sort of mathematical comparison of how closely one follows the recorded singer--but I didn't set that up. (I did tell my better half about it and that I didn't set it up, though.)

  17. Oh! I forgot to give a BIG WOOT! for Donna, Sydney and Sparky!

    We didn't get everything done on our list done this weekend, but took care of most of it. I had the Devil's own time changing the bulbs in a floodlight fixture over the entrance to our garage. Had to go way up on an extension ladder, and one of the bulbs was stuck in there so well (I think it was the bad one) that I couldn't unscrew it in situ. Had to take off the whole fixture, bring it down, and disassemble it. Replaced the bulbs with fluorescent ones that should last much longer AND be easier to remove (they stick out of the covers a bit).
