Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yet another new bird box (gift from Son*in*ME)


  1. Thank-you, Howard Dean!

  2. Hmmm. Uh oh. I've got a mean ol' cold coming on. Sore throat too.
    And Hubby has it as well.
    Plus we've got two days of cold, rainy and snowy weather sliding in upon us.
    Send good vibes that we both get through our work days okay on Wednesday.

  3. *wave*

    That's all I got right now. Should be in bed, but wanted to say "hey" since it's been a while.

  4. Hi Renee!

    Lovely pic as always, listener. Get well soon♥

  5. Thanks Cat! ♥ Nice to see you here.

  6. Bill Thomasson4/27/2010 01:27:00 AM

    So Cat is showing us a picture of cats, now. How appropriate!

    I'm feeling more relaxed than I have for a while. Mostly because this afternoon I got the old computer -- the one that pretended it wasn't working -- set up in the other room and after moderate hassle connected to the internet. Now my son can do his e-mail and his internet surfing there. And my new computer just neds a bit of tweaking. Plus my client and I went over the stuff that needs to be finished by Friday and for the first time I'm confident we're on the right track. Things are shaping up.

    listener: the only good thing about a cold is that it's temporary. [wry grin]

    And so to bed.

  7. Absinthe banned in France, 1915 (poster):


  8. 33 degrees here and we're up to about 5 inches of snow so far (and tonight was supposed to be the stormy part!).

    I need to get into the shower so I can get my cold all ready and go to work in the snow. Heh.

    I've got a LOT of photos, though!

  9. Bill, it's always satisfying to get computers to work. Also, congrats on finally being on track. May you stay there.

    These are not merely cats. These are Esme, with the brown ears, and Bianca (Binky).

    Snow in Vermont and Tokyo? What's the world coming to?

  10. I am looking forward to midnight because this is a day I would like to be done with.

    Had a low grade fever all day at work, but got through it and didn't touch anyone...and wasn't coughing or sneezing...just a little dizzy...probably a sinus infection. Came home to news that our friend Jack died of his brain tumor today, having just been diagnosed in February. Then I read the Ally update and the insurance company is refusing to approve a medication for Ally that it has approved before and is an integral part of her 3f8 treatments! When you read the update that puddle will post pretty soon, remember that Ally's Mommy's birthday is May 5th.

  11. Bill Thomasson4/28/2010 12:02:00 AM

    As usual, it's almost 11. Will probably be after 11 by the time I get this posted. Hope people check back and see it.

    Thanks, Cat, for the info about the cats.

    Alan: I find it hard to understand why people would find an iPad easier to use than a regular computer. Granted that I've never tried to use an iPad, I'd expect to find this touch-screen stuff confusing. Never did like it when it first came out in the 1970s. And with my eyes what they are the touch controls on the microwave and on my monitor are definitely negatives.

    For me, it's been a busy but reasonably satisfying day. Got my hair cut and beard trimmed. And mined lots of salt. We finally got some actual data to stick into what we're writing, instead of just doing placeholders. Looks like it's going to work out.

    A little more salt to mine and then to bed.
