Saturday, January 21, 2006

National Sanctity of Human Life Day

George Bush, by virtue of his proclamation of "National Sanctity of Human Life Day", has just handed us a great big present with pretty wrapping and a giant bow on top. Check this out...

National Sanctity of Human Life Day is an opportunity to strengthen our resolve in creating a society where every life has meaning and our most vulnerable members are protected and defended including unborn children, the sick and dying, and persons with disabilities and birth defects. This is an ideal that appeals to the noblest and most generous instincts within us, and this is the America we will achieve by working together.

We can't pass up an opportunity like this! Our pResident is *asking* us to do this. Let's talk about this, and pass it along to other blogs (I got the link above from My Left Wing). Howard Dean was just in Columbus this past week talking about how the Democratic party *is* the party of American values. Really, it's obvious that Bush is talking about protection of fetuses, but he came right out and said that we need to make sure "our most vulnerable members are protected". How are we doing with that in this country? How could we do better? What will we as the party of values do to mark the "National Sanctity of Human Life Day"?

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