Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Cat Trap (aka Box)



  1. Predicted high temperature here today "only" 103F, minimum humidity (late afternoon and evening) 17%, and a decent breeze out of the NW (from our point of reference, coming in across the river bottom, so cooler); all pretty good. Even "cooler" (less hot) over the next several days. Not bad for Fresno in the summer, and so much better than what a lot of people back east are suffering.

  2. US social security will no longer deny disability claims based on ability to work outdated jobs [Click] “Agency used list which included jobs such as nut sorter and microfilm processor and has not been updated since 1991.”

    1. Conservative US lawmakers are pushing for an end to no-fault divorce [Click] I am reminded of the divorce lawyers in times past who arranged for photographers to enter the bedrooms of people with persons not their spouses (also arranged by the lawyers) and photograph same to provide evidence for divorce courts. I don’t know if that line of work was enumerated in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.

    2. I was on Social Security Disability for 20 years, leaving only when I "aged out" into old age status. Along the way I learned how incredibly difficult they make it to get on the program. I knew people who were obviously disabled who applied and applied and were repeatedly turned down. I heard of people having to retain attorneys to help them get on some lousy $700 a month pension. And I saw the tricks SSDI played on recipients--telling them they were totally and permanently disabled and then trying to make them work. Even the Heritage Foundation understands how hard SSDI is. I've read their stuff on the subject. --nordy

  3. Replies
    1. listener, the CNN article cities "the 5-4 decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization." I thought Dobbs was 6-3. Which is right? --nordy

    2. 6-3 is correct.

      "Judgment: Reversed and remanded, 6-3, in an opinion by Justice Alito on June 24, 2022. Justices Thomas and Kavanaugh filed concurring opinions. Chief Justice Roberts filed an opinion concurring in the judgment. Justices Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan filed a dissenting opinion."

  4. Louisiana families file lawsuit against Ten Commandments display in schools [Click] I remember when the words “under God” were interpolated into the Pledge of Allegiance; that was more than bad enough. Come to think of it, someone said the other day that DJ Trump has violated at least nine of the Ten Commandments. Does anyone here know which one he may have obeyed?

    1. Harrumph. The article has a period outside the quote marks. Obviously they need a copy editor. -- 8-) nordy

    2. Maybe "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ox or thy neighbor's ass?" He doesn't strike me as an animal lover.

  5. How an Irishman's Tattoo Changed History [Click] Could this be a caution to us in the event that we encounter an alien civilization?

  6. Here’s a sweet dose of cuteness!

    Mother Cat

  7. Replies
    1. I gather that photographs are considered by some to be equivalent to graven images.

    2. Wow-- the Internet gods seem to be intolerant of tabulations of Trump's violations of the Decalogue; erased it twice. If it doesn't show up after this entry, I will try simplifying the post.

    3. Above from:
      here [Click]

    4. Well, that last link ["here"] seems to work, but no copy I tried to post.
