Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Consider now the Lilies

 I think the cherry red is my favourite.   ~ listener


  1. Replies
    1. That's really cute. And what a clever way to transport nesting supplies!

  2. Replies
    1. Seems pretty light to me.

    2. Indeed. 6.5 years was requested by the prosecutor, but apparently the defense was able to show the defendant is remorseful. Hmmm.

  3. Robert Reich: Trump is gearing up for his ‘final battle’. So should we. [Click] “Trump and the Republicans will lose this battle. Even if they win Republican primaries, they will lose the general election.”

  4. From HandsomeMrToad responding to a pearl-clutching post about Cornell West running as a Green and tipping the outcome to the GOP candidate; I find this opinion definitely plausible. Very slight emendations for punctuation and readability.

    “I still think that Biden (or some other mainstream Democrat) is going to run as the alternative to the creepy violent far-MAGA right wing and do the same thing to them that Nixon did in 1972 when he ran representing normal Americans against the long-haired pot-smoking draft-card-burning, free-loving acid-dropping hippie freaks and scored a landslide reelection victory. (Remember that in 1972 Joe Biden was already in politics. He remembers this firsthand.) I don’t think that Cornell West is going to make much of a difference. He’s not so much a political philosopher as a peddler of goopy psychobabble, more like Naomi Wolf then like, say, Jamal Bouille or any other serious analyst . . .

    Just as Nixon was able to goad the hippies to demonstrations of extreme repulsiveness whenever he thought it was strategically helpful to do so, by arresting their leaders, similarly, Biden will be able to activate the freaky right wing MAGA types to more and more outrageous demonstrations of repulsiveness at strategically chosen moments. All he has to do is have federal agents go search the homes of a few right-wing MAGA activists who happen to have a felony on their criminal records - there are plenty of MAGA activists who have committed felonies - and have the agents search the activists’ homes for firearms, which convicted felons are not allowed to possess. When he does this, the middle range conservative activists who are not household names like Tucker Carlson, and not particularly loyal to Trump - radio talk show hosts who want to increase their listener base by riling people up, but for whom conservative politics is mostly just a way of promoting themselves and appealing to very-enthusiastic listeners, all those guys will start shouting “look look look the government is going from home to home, gathering up peoples guns and taking them away just as we warned you they would!!” And the MAGA people will go into a feeding frenzy. Biden will be able to do this pretty much whenever he wants.

    Imagine if, say two weeks before Election Day, there were a series of January 6 type events in several large cities, maybe one or two of them even more violent, with the crowd actually murdering some politicians. What do you think the election would look like then???? I’ll tell you: it would look like a negative print of 1972, that’s what.”

    1. Would Biden actually do this? Well, politics ain't beanbag. Now back to the Trump indictments watch.

  5. Replies
    1. I was shocked to discover that, like oxycodone, fentanyl is an FDA approved drug.

    2. I have had it alone or in combination for anaesthesia several times. In pharmaceutical amounts it is very effective against deep pain (think surgery) and wears off quickly with no hangover.

  6. Replies
    1. Rover is really impressive. The scientists who created it should feel very proud indeed.

  7. Doc visit yesterday yielded the best blood draw of my life--no pain at all, they got all the blood they needed, I got only the tiniest smidge of a bruise, and all the numbers right where they should be. I can relax for the first time in months. Not even gonna think about broccoli for a while, grin.


    1. ^^^Oops! Not a reply to puddle!

    2. There is skill involved in drawing blood, but also some luck. The pain sensing nerves are not everywhere in the skin--sometimes you do what seems to be a great job and it is painful; other times you grit your teeth while digging around to find the vein and the patient says "Oh, I didn't feel a thing!"

    3. 🥳👍
      Wahooooooo!!!! ❤️

  8. UPS and Teamsters Avoid Strike [Click] Excellent! (I presume—haven’t read the source story yet.) UPS has been making record profits in recent years; I hope the workers got rid of the two-tier wage scale, raises for all, and air conditioned trucks.

    1. Here is the NYT story. [Click] ““We demanded the best contract in the history of UPS, and we got it,” the Teamsters president, Sean M. O’Brien, said in a statement. “UPS has put $30 billion in new money on the table as a direct result of these negotiations. . . Under the proposed deal, new trucks must have air conditioning beginning in January, while existing trucks will be outfitted with additional fans and venting. . . [The union] especially emphasized the need to improve pay for part-timers, who account for more than half the U.S. employees represented by the Teamsters, and who the union said earn “near-minimum wage” in many areas. YAY!

    2. This is such good news for the workers!!!

      It's also good news for Wil who just ordered another box of his book (O Wonderful, Wonderful Wizard of Oz), and was told that if UPS went on strike that would delay delivery.

  9. Replies
    1. Fresno does this on a large scale. The aquifer is so good that the farmers still use flood irrigation--which I wish they would not.

  10. Hey, Catreona, I mailed to Dad today. Should arrive Thursday or at least by Friday for the Saturday festivities! 🥳

  11. I'm feeling much more like myself again today. Sleep makes SUCH a difference.
    I'm still only getting 6-7 hrs per night, and have some catching up to do. But I'm feeling like it'll happen now.

  12. From upthread:

    Former top Trump official: “Trump can’t read.” [Click]

    O. M. G.!
    Y'know, I don't think it's so much that he can't read as that he's way too scattered for reading comprehension.

    1. Yes. Senile in my nonprofessional opinion.

  13. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiU2O-u7qqAAxW-jYkEHfjlCtoQwqsBegQIThAF&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DSO5Y1OuQIxo&usg=AOvVaw2v86tw4fGmSAQtGxPu-sDR&opi=89978449

    I used to have lunch about a block from work at a small greasy spoon w/ jukebox, and this on the play list.
    I'd go in every day with a pocket full of quarters . . . . Best defense against the waves of accountants I worked with daily.


    1. Clickified. [Click] “Dropkick Me Jesus Through the Goalposts of Life” Oh boy, do I remember that!

    2. The lyrics are really quite kind and loving. . . .

      Thanks for the clicks!

    3. At my first "real" job there was a fellow in the lab where I worked who often tuned his radio to a country western station, which played it. I memorized the chorus.

  14. The only place I can think of where TFG could hide from US law would be the the Ryugyong Hotel [Click] Trump Tower Pyongyang?
