Friday, December 02, 2022

Goldfinch in Winter Plumage



  1. Replies
    1. They could have cut back the raises a bit to cover sick leave; it would have been good theater all around, I think. I don't want big trains being operated by people who should be home sick in bed--- that is a big safety issue.
      --- Alan

    2. For four decades Congress has been relying on corporations to corral the votes for them. Both the states and the Congress haveen loathe to admit that non-governmental corporations are not private entities but subordinate creatures of the states, over which they have resisted exercising control because they counted on them to deliver votes.
      Corporation are persons, but they are artificial persons, not natural persons whose behavior governments are not permitted to legislate.
      I did not realize this myself until Minnesota legislated to restrict the functions of unions, which are, of course, also corporations.
      Anyway, Congress is reluctant to give up the fiction that corporations are immune to supervision and restrictions unless they get some benefit (monopolies, guaranteed income, freedom from liability, protection from foreign competition, etc) because their unholy alliance has been key to longevity in office, the only guarantor of power.

    3. Well said, Alan! My sentiments exactly.

  2. Today dawned clear and cold (by our standards), but without frost. We could see the mountains and the snow on them clearly. Then clouds began to form over the mountains and have been spreading across the sky. Rain is predicted to begin again tonight and extend into the morrow.

    1. We notice that once snow stays on the mountain tops, it's colder in the valley.

    2. California's Central Valley is warmer than other places equally far inland--the chilled air in the Sierra Nevada flows down into the valley, in so doing is warmed by compression to above freezing, and trapped by the coastal mountain range. A freeze hard enough to damage grape vines might come once in 20 years or so; occasionally we get a little hail. The slightly elevated areas in the southern part of the valley are warm enough for eucalyptus, orange, and even avocado trees. Wind machines make it possible to grow those more sensitive trees on the valley floor. The farmers at low elevations may also run irrigation water to help keep the temperatures above freezing. (Nobody has used smudge pots for a long time.) Even though the wind off the mountains in the winter is above freezing by the tie it gets here, it sure is cold enough for us. We are supposed to get some more rain starting around 2AM Saturday and going on for about 24 hours, low temperature 47F. Still Friday here at the moment--11:30 PM.

  3. Replies
    1. Of course this all depends on the states actually changing their laws.

    2. The Washington Post column discusses the matter [Click] Of course at this time no one really knows how it will work out.

    3. Looks like a mess, with Democrats and Republicans trying, and probably failing, to have separate primaries.

    4. Separate primaries would be nuts because it would cost states twice as much to have to serve twice as much time, and it's a waste of energy. I'm absolutely certain Vermont would never go for it. Common sense is actually common here.

    5. And I['m glad Illinois isn't involved. If the primaries were on different days, trying to keep people from voting in both would be a major headache.

    6. The Republican Party is so close to extinct here that it doesn't make much difference what they would want. And neither party really does much campaigning here anyway. (Bernie was a notable exception.)

  4. Replies
    1. Certainly I can feel sorry for all the victims of Putin's and Russia's insanity; but if the Russian Federation disintegrates I think it will be for the better.

    2. ^^^^ Anonymous Alan
