Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Last Sips for the Bees



  1. Our first widespread frost is expected tonight.
    I covered the roses and a few other items.

  2. 48° here in Georgia. Will probably drop a bit more before daylight.
    Monday, first day of early voting, over 100,000 b mid-afternoon. Yesterday there were lines mid day. The electronic system makes it possible to count ballots easily.
    We, the people, will steal the election again.

    1. Here's hoping we steal it right! [grin]

    2. {listener}

      Go Georgia!
      I do hope long lines means the result is tilted away from Rs.

  3. {listener}

    DeSantis is at it again

    You do have to wonder what his underlying issue is.

    1. Howabout a lust for the illusion of power?

    2. Oh, I didn't mean his fantasy, I meant what causes him to be so delusional in the first place.

  4. Replies
    1. My mistake; she held the office for 43 days. But what a mess in the UK Cabinet! The Mother of Parliaments has serious problems-- Truss is making even Boris Johnson and his Bullingdon Boys look good, or at least not so bad.

  5. Replies
    1. Yeah, much as I believe these interviews are historically important, I would have to read a text of the interviews, because I cannot stand to hear DT's voice. I never could. That goes way back, long before his campaign. It's his continuously snide and sarcastic tone, etc. Bluggghhh!

  6. Replies
    1. Some alleged pastor, who apparently never read Ezekiel or Zechariah. Some of the shepherds pastured themselves on their sheep. So God came out against them and scattered the people of faith. (Which, in my thinking, is what protects the faithful.)

  7. Biden calls on US oil companies to pass on record profits to consumers [Click] “President announces release of 15m barrels of oil from strategic reserve as he fights to keep gas prices in check before midterms.”

    1. Yes, please! I paid $4.74/gal today (so only got 5 gallons).

  8. EGAD! A fellow falls asleep for a bit, wakes up, and the UK government has gone to
    wrack [Click] and ruin! [Click]
    Not only that, but a federal judge decides that Trump e-mails with attorney are not covered by attorney-client privilege because they are evidence of crime. [Click]

    1. From the "federal judge" article:
      “President Trump, moreover, signed a verification swearing under oath that the incorporated, inaccurate numbers ‘are true and correct’ or ‘believed to be true and correct’ to the best of his knowledge and belief,” added Carter, an appointee of President Bill Clinton. “The emails show that President Trump knew that the specific numbers of voter fraud were wrong but continued to tout those numbers, both in court and to the public. The Court finds that these emails are sufficiently related to and in furtherance of a conspiracy to defraud the United States.”

      So, can we pleeeeeease FINALLY nail DT for obstruction of justice?! And can we do it before he has chance to announce his campaign? And can he wear that orange jumpsuit at last??!!!

  9. Replies
    1. They definitely find me more delectable than my better half.

  10. Replies
    1. JWST is soooooo cool. Every comparison photo set is like this!

  11. DNA of 13 Neanderthals reveals ‘exciting’ snapshot of ancient community [Click] More evidence of the theory that Neanderthals did not survive because their population densities were so much smaller than those of Homo sapiens sapiens.
