Thursday, March 03, 2022




  1. I just watched most of the SOTU speech; I didn't make it all the way through the laundry list section towards the end, but am of the opinion that the initial part, about Ukraine, was pretty darn good.

  2. Hallo there. I had meetings today and have been converting our guest room into an art studio (temporarily) so I can take an oil painting class. Took more of the day than I bargained for, but I think it's going to work out fine. I mostly needed to determine if I had all the supplies I'll need. It worked out well. I need only 4 tubes of paint, a few more brushes, and some good brush cleaner. I also got a washable, reusable canvas drop cloth for my work table. Very much looking forward to the class, which begins on Wednesday!

  3. Plus, our Maverick truck has made it half way across Indiana, so far. Progress.

    1. We received a package from Japan that was sent by surface post. From Japan it went by ship to New Jersey, then across the US to California! Here's hoping your Maverick doesn't make a side trip to Idaho!

  4. Checking the news was darn scary (moreso than the past week, even) because the moronic Russians were shelling Ukraine's largest nuclear power plant...!!! 😮 😳

    CNN interviewed an expert, who said that if they bust the plumbing there'll be no cooling, and if they cut the electricity it's equally bad. Either scenario creates another Chernobyl. So, of course, the Russians started a fire at the plant. Brilliant.

    So far, no leaking radiation. Let's hope and pray it stays that way, as the alternative is hundreds of kilometers of radiation.
