Thursday, January 13, 2022

Ice and Snow on the Crabapple



  1. YES! YES! YES!

    "This evening, Senate Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced that he would bring voting rights legislation to the Senate floor for debate—which Republicans have rejected—by avoiding a Republican filibuster through a complicated workaround. When the House and Senate disagree on a bill (which is almost always), they send it back and forth with revisions until they reach a final version. According to Democracy Docket, after it has gone back and forth three times, a motion to proceed on it cannot be filibustered. So, Democrats in the House are going to take a bill that has already hit the three-trip mark and substitute for that bill the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. They’ll pass the combined bill and send it to the Senate, where debate over it can’t be filibustered."

    1. I had heard of similar maneuvers; I think I have heard of having unimportant bills being kept at the ready to serve as vehicles.

    2. It occurs to me to wonder if Covid-19 has temporarily decreased the ratio of GOP to Democratic senators capable of voting on an issue. That would serve them right.

  2. Replies
    1. I stand by my opinion that the previous guy is and was senile. As well as a Russian asset.

    2. Well, I'd argue that a narcissistic personality is not a disorder because it is not something that can be ordered or fixed. That said, it seems increasingly obvious that Republicans on Capitol Hill picked Trump as a shill to promote an agenda that would continue to cement their power. Since the unitary executive war president gambit had failed, they settled on a clown who would keep the press and the democrats roiled. Mark Meadows was apparently sent over to the White House to provide more consistent direction.
      Republicans know full well that the executive is a figure head who serves the purposes of those who prefer to act behind the throne. Remember when the French used to have dauphins and old men would rule in their name?

  3. 19 states have fewer than 15% of ICU beds left as health care staffing shortages complicate care

    Vermont is one of the states. I am friends with the Mom of the co-director of our ICU, so I saw this coming. It's bad.

  4. Queen strips Prince Andrew of military roles and royal patronages [Click] “Move comes after more than 150 veterans request removal amid US sexual assault civil lawsuit.”

    1. I am reminded of yesterday's opinion piece (linked from yesterday's blog thread) "Now Prince Andrew is facing trial, the palace must find a way to ‘de-royal’ him" The Queen's action is probably about as strong as could be anticipated. Upon reflection, I recall four monarchs in British history that were de-royaled with extreme prejudice; but besides being evidently limited to monarchs, that seems to be decidedly unpopular in these times.

    2. I'd sure like to permanently dethrone DT and Co

  5. Several rockets hit Baghdad's fortified Green Zone, including US embassy

    Woman and child wounded. US personnel are safe.

  6. Crocodile icefish [Click] Huge nesting area discovered on the floor of the Weddell Sea this past February. The fish lack both hemoglobin and myoglobin!

    1. For a moment there, I was picturing crocodiles ice fishing!

  7. Study Explains Why Pluto (And Some Moons) Are Actually Planets After All [Click] YAY! It seems that the IAC definition of a planet is influenced by astrology; geological definitions are more sensible.

    1. I don't have patience for videos, so I found an online description. I would call it an argument rather than a study. It argues from history that we should not only get rid of the "cleared its orbit" criterion but also the "doesn't orbit another planet" criterion. Thus, Luna is both a moon and a planet -- which was the common usage at one time.

      To somebody today, that seems odd. But it makes sense in terms of planetary grophysics.

    2. Awww, Catreona would love this news!!

  8. Penny is in the hospital. To my surprise, in the ICU. This started 4 or 5 days ago, when she lost interest in eating or drinking. It took serious persuasion to get anything into her, and it wasn't enough. Yesterday afternoon she fell and needed a lot of support to be able to get back to bed. She never left it. And this morning she couldn't even remain sitting up to drink the water I persuaded her to take. That is when we decided it was time for the emergency room.

    The longer-term question is how much Penny will recover in the hospital. And it would help to understand her kidney and brain problems. Frustrating that we haven't been able to get doctors' input on this.

    1. Didn't get much sleep last night, so I'm heading for bed.

    2. Oh, Bill! My heart goes out to you. Sending healing vibes.

      May Penny's medical team be swift and skilled. May having to be in the hospital finally give her the doctor attention she needs, and set her on a path to well being. Meanwhile, may you get a solid night of sleep. No doubt this is very stressful. Take care of yourself.

    3. Ah, Bill, love and light from here to there, and three cheers for listener's post.
