Tuesday, June 01, 2021

June First! (I can't help loving the concept. LOL.)



  1. Replies
    1. Well, I messaged with Son a short while ago and learned that they haven't yet headed up to the North Slope, because a crew, delayed by weather, is still using a cabin they need to use on the way north. But they expect to be able to head north on Wednesday morning.
      He said he and a few others were outdoors when the quake struck, and didn't feel it. But everyone who was inside felt it, as it shook the plates and windows. They are in Fairbanks which is north of where the quake hit. Fortunately, there have been no reports of deaths or injuries and there has been only very minor damage, as I understand it.

    2. A literal dish-rattler, eh? At least by the time it got to him.

  2. Some years I joke that "June first" is a personal holiday for me; though, usually it turns out a rather ordinary day. Today, however, I get to enjoy visiting the Shelburne Museum. Opening day is tomorrow, but they are opening a day early for members! We renewed our membership such that all our grands get in free with us.
    I am grateful that the staff are being super careful with Covid regulations there! The Museum grounds are extensive, so one can easily remain outside and enjoy the experience. The weather will be partly sunny and 73ºF. I plan to bring my new camera, and just soak in the beauty.

  3. Amazon US customers given one week to opt out of mass wireless sharing [Click] “Critics raise transparency fears over plan to turn all smart home devices into ‘mesh network.’”

    I don't know about other folks, but I don't think I want my refrigerator to know where I am. (But think of the convenience! You could get a telephone call from your refrigerator with a shopping list when passing near the grocery store!) I also don't want the networked houshold devices to be able to lock me out of my house, or to conspire with malevolent actors.

    1. I am also the sort of retrograde character who doesn't like computerized controls in an automobile; knobs and levers work just fine for me. I remember Steve Jobs saying the Apple TV was going to have simpler controls than any we could imagine; he never managed to come near the simplicity of two knobs: off-on-volume and channel select. Harrumph!

    2. While I have, on occasion, purchased something from Amazon, I do not own any of their smart(y pants) devices.

      We do own an Alexa device from Apple, but it is switched off 99.5% of the time.

    3. By contrast, Youngest's home is high tech. When I was there last week, I mentioned that they were out of ketchup and my 8 year old grandson immediately said out loud, "Alexa, add ketchup" to which the device responded, "Ketchup has been added to your shopping list."

      Had to laugh! Can you imagine what it must be like when Youngest gets to the grocery store and calls up the list? Hmmm, was it the spouse of the kidlet who added 'chocolate bars'?

    4. I had to read much of the article to figure out what it was about. I neither have nor want any "smart" devices.

    5. listener--do they actually have to MANUALLY SELECT items at the grocery store? Surely Alexa sends the list to the grocery, and advises the store when they set off for said establishment, so it is all selected, packaged and billed by the time they arrive?

    6. Actually, I suppose the items should be selected from the warehouse by a shopping robot, and be deposited on their front stoop by a delivery robot. . .

    7. Alan...no, this is still Vermont. Though, during Covid, grocery stores began online ordering and curbside pickup...even delivery in a few places.

      I sure wouldn't want my life so automated that I don't have to be here.

  4. VT (2days): 24,224-24,209 = 15
    Active Cases:854
    Hospital:3(-2) ICU:1(0)

    1. Active Cases = 13 Monday + 2 Tuesday
      Positivity Rate down to 1%
      Death Rate holding at 1.1%

  5. Talking to my Favorite Daughter just now. They had lots of neighborhood fireworks yesterday. Their little dog, Zeus, was terrified and shaking, so they put one of the weighted blankets I had made for my granddaughters on him and he was calmed and comforted.

    1. Gee, that sounds like a good idea.

    2. Had a big dog, bearded collie, felt the same. Also about thunder storms, which he could detect hours ahead of arrival. If he was inside, the bathroom, between the toilet bowl and the wall, was his choice, if outside, he broke through the fence and ran up to our local small airport and hid under the planes.
      The airport guys retrieved him and called me. Dogs and propellers are a bad combo.

    3. Kitties aren't fond of fireworks either.
      We had one who used to look for her courage in the linen closet.

  6. Memphis exhumes body of Klan leader Nathan Bedford Forrest from city park [Click] The story “politely” whitewashes the Fort Pillow Massacre. I think that Forrest’s remains are being treated with respect far exceeding their due. But at least they are being removed a significant distance.

  7. All of JBS’s U.S. Beef Plants Were Forced Shut by Cyberattack [Click] “Company’s other U.S. meatpacking facilities also disrupted; Slaughter operations were also impacted in Australia, Canada.” Backup servers OK.

  8. Democrats Win New Mexico Special Election [Click] “Stansbury’s victory Tuesday night will grow Democrats’ thin majority in the House to nine seats.” “It looks like a big win for Stansbury.” [Like about 2:1]

    1. 😃👍Good to see we aren't slipping yet.

  9. Biden corporate tax plan could earn EU and UK billions, study shows [Click] Sounds like a winner, certainly.

    And now I need to get to work on a court declaration.
